9 thoughts on “Millstreet Town Park today for the first day of Coursing”

  1. I went for a walk down the station road saturday and it was shocking the amount of dog poo all over the footpaths. I witnessed several dogs taking a poop and there owners not cleaning up after them. I presume the council workers had to clean up after them? This is hardly acceptable?

  2. Sounds like you need a “Pooper Scooper” law in Millstreet as we do in NYC. Since you have identified the problem you should spearhead the effort to have it enacted. And to the local stores there would also be an opportunit to add another product to your line of useful products.

  3. Oh! I forgot there should be a heafty fine to go along with that law lest the dog owners think it has not teeth.

    1. Dog faeces: “Under Section 22 of the Litter Pollution Act 1997 it is an offence to allow a dog under your control to foul a public place. This means the owner/person in charge of the dog is required to remove dog faeces and dispose of them in a suitable, sanitary manner. You can complain to the District Court under the litter laws against an owner or someone in charge of a dog who allows that dog to foul public places and who fails to act responsibly. Before you do this, you must first inform the dog owner of your intention by completing a special form available from the Dog Control Unit of your local authority. ( fine not exceeding £1,500 )

      It sounds a bit Irish that you have to fill in a form and present it to the dog owner in this situation (like you’d have the form on you). But it would be wise of the Coursing Club to try to ensure that this doesn’t happen again, before they start to lose more support from within community.

  4. So great. Now that people are aware of the law, they can ask the coursing committee to ensure that their applications next year references the law and the fine associated with it. And any citizen can now inform the “offender” to clean up after their poooch. It’s always easier to ask for the “name of the beautiful dog” which the proud owner will be happy to give you. Then if he/she doesn’t give you their name it’s easy to get it from the program or the coursing committee. If you can’t get even the dogs name to complete the necessary form, anyone with a mobile phone can take their photograph and maybe put it on a “rogues gallery”! Perhaps the “Gardai” could be enouraged to post a notice in places prominent to the venue reminding the participants of the law and the fine. That should do the trick?

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