Birds of Ice in Kilcorney

Birds of Ice, by the edge of the river at Kilcorney Heights
"Birds of Ice", by the edge of the river at Kilcorney Heights

The art of nature … at first glance the ice looks like doves beside the river, and then you wonder how did that form?

Natures art comes at a price though. The freeze is still with us but it is not as cold as it has been in previous nights. Rain/sleet fell early yesterday morning and froze solid, covering everything in half an inch of solid ice. Everything ground to a halt and early morning commuters were left with treacherous road conditions with many of them turning around and staying at home for the day. While in town all day, walkers were better off walking on the roads because the footpaths had not been salted and were just plain dangerous.

The picture taken by Nellie Healy appeared on the Irish Independent website in a gallery entitled The Big Freeze

9 thoughts on “Birds of Ice in Kilcorney”

  1. Sincere congratulations to Nellie Healy on a truly superb and totally fascinating snow picture entitled “Birds of Ice” by a river in the Kilcorney Heights area. Such a pictorial gem certainly deserves to be featured on the “Irish Independent” in its “The Big Freeze” picture gallery for global viewing! The images resemble doves of peace…an uplifting symbol for 2010.

  2. excellent pic, could be interpreted, as a ‘crib’ or a ‘bird’
    scene. well done, to the photographer, to get out there, and show her artistic flair, during that very cold weather

  3. beautiful picture, regret now, that i didn’t get out there also, and capture such great scenes, in that cold weather, well done Nellie

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