Rinceoirí na Luachra on Jig Gig 2011

A set of dancers from Millstreet and Kerry grouped together to perform as Rinceoirí na Luachra on the TG4’s Irish dancing programme An Jig Gig a few weeks ago. They didn’t qualify on the night, but they did put in a good performance.

The video of their performance (on youTube) is above, but you can see the whole programme on TG4’s website. Here are the instructions on how to see it:

1. Go to: http://www.tg4.ie/en/tg4-player/tg4-player.html
2. Click on the Calendar tab, and select November 6th.
3. Scroll down to where it says “An Jig Gig 06.11.11”, click on it, and watch the videos (in three parts)

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