Sullivans of Kilmeedy West

My wife’s grandfather, James Sullivan taught for many years in Keimaneigh School, Ballingeary. In 1884, he married Catherine Cronin from Gougane Barra. He died aged 46 in 1896 leaving a large family and he is buried in St. Gobnait’s cemetery in Ballyvourney. His wife died in 1916 and is also buried there.

His father was Owen Sullivan and was present at the marriage.

He had a brother, Owen, who married Catherine Horgan and lived in Kilmeedy West. He had several children and one of them, Jeremiah used to correspond with his cousins in Keimaneigh in the 30’s and 40’s. We understand that the farm in Kilmeedy is no longer in the family.

We are trying to establish the Ballyvourney connection as some of the Sullivan families there agree that there is a family relationship, but are unable to make an exact identification i.e. in which townland in Ballyvourney was the original family located and to which Sullivan family was he related.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best wishes, John Derby <email>


Congratulations on the site – a great pity that more communities have not done likewise!

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10 thoughts on “Sullivans of Kilmeedy West”

  1. I am very interested in how you get on as Owen Sullivan was my Granfather his daughter Margret was my mother the Sullivans headstone is in Dreasen graveyard Millstreet Best of luck Cornelius lucey

    1. Hello Cornelius,
      my name is Noel O’ Sullivan. My father was Noel O’ Sullivan, originally from Gougane Cross, and he moved to Killarney in the 60s where he became a teacher in St. Brendan’s College. His father was Denis O’ Sullivan who was headmaster in Keimaneigh National School from around 1916. His father was Seamus (James) O’ Sullivan who taught for a few years in Keimaneigh in the late 1800s. I was just looking at going back a step in the family tree and believe you have just made that link for me! If we’re talking about the same James O’ Sullivan, then I’m related to you!
      I’m a teacher myself in Killarney so I’m fourth generation teacher at least! I have an interest in history and would love to find out what Owen did. Also, my uncle is Eoghan so we’re probably on the right track!
      I managed to find my great-great-great grandfather on my mothers side so I’m now going to see how far back I can go with the O’ Sullivans! <email>

      1. I responded right now but frankly do not know if I responded to you or to John Derby. I am sure you are on the right track. I have pictures of Owen and his wife and family…and I have a picture of a Noel O’Sullivan, Owen’s nephew from Kameneigh, who married a woman whose last name was Randall. I am the g.granddaughter of Owen and Catherine. Con Lucey is my uncle

        I am delighted to see your post and will gladly share any information I have. My email is: <email>. Margaret Desmond Sheehy

        1. Hello Margaret! You have the right Noel O’ Sullivan! My mother is Randles from Kilgarvan! So I’m trying to get this right – my father was Noel O’ Sulivan, my grandfather was Denis O Sullivan (born 1892), great grandfather was James O Sullivan (born 1849), and great great grandfather was Owen O Sullivan (I believe was born 1819). I’m presuming my great grandfather James was brothers to your great grandfather Owen – Owen born 1853 who married Catherine Horgan! Therefore we share the same great great grandfather – Owen O Sullivan! Am I right there??

  2. Thanks Cornelius for your information. I have some documents relating to the family which I would be happy to share with you. You can contact me by email and we may be able to arrange a meeting or I will gladly post to your address.

    John Derby <email>

  3. After considerable research, I have found the details of James Sullivan’s family history.
    Although buried in Ballyvourney, he was born in Dromcarra, near Inchigeelagh. Quite a few families from the parish were buried in Ballyvourney. He taught in Kilbarry and came to teach in Keimaneigh in 1890. His brother, Owen, married Catherine Horgan in Aghabulloge and eventually lived in Kilmeedy. Owen and his family are buried in Drishane.
    James and Owen’s parents were Owen and Norry Leary. Local enquiries in Dromcarra resulted in the fact that no Sullivans were known to live in the area within living memory. However, a Sullivan family lived there at the time of Griffith’s Valuation.

  4. Hello John,
    my name is Noel O’ Sullivan. My father was Noel O’ Sullivan, originally from Gougane Cross, and he moved to Killarney in the 60s where he became a teacher in St. Brendan’s College. His father was Denis O’ Sullivan who was headmaster in Keimaneigh National School from around 1916. His father was Seamus (James) O’ Sullivan who taught for a few years in Keimaneigh in the late 1800s. I was just looking at going back a step in the family tree and believe you have just made that link for me! If we’re talking about the same James O’ Sullivan, then I’m related to your wife!
    I’m a teacher myself in Killarney so I’m fourth generation teacher at least! I have an interest in history and would love to find out what Owen did. Also, my uncle is Eoghan so we’re probably on the right track!
    I managed to find my great-great-great grandfather on my mothers side so I’m now going to see how far back I can go with the O’ Sullivans!
    I’d appreciate any more info you have – did you find any land owning O’ Sullivans of that region from the Griffith Valuation?

  5. I know this is very old. But my great grandfather was Eugene Sullivan, whose father was Owen Sullivan and mother was Catherine Horgan. He was one of 11 kids- Patrick, Stephen, Jeremiah, John, James, Timothy, Hanna, Mary (Shea), Catherine (Mahoney), Nora (Drommey), Margaret (Lucey). Would love to connect with anyone who knows more about my family or is connected in anyway. Thank you!!!

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