Regional Report 1007 – 6th April 2010


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to news report  1007 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear Listeners and I wish you all the very best on this wet ,’n calm ,Tuesday morning.

It’s great to be back with you again following two wonderful weeks in far away Nebraska ,land of Indian tribes and descendents of  so many  Irish Immigrants.

Many congratulations to Fr. Paddy O Byrne who celebrated the Golden Jubilee  of his Ordination at Lincoln, Nebraska on March 29th.where he had missioned for over forty years . It was indeed  an honour for me  to be present at this historic ceremony which saw the mighty Cathedral of that City packed to capacity. Up to a 140 priests in all attended, as did countless numbers of nuns, The Knights of Columbus and the hundreds of people to whom he has endeared himself over the years.  The popular Fr. Paddy will be further honoured by his own people here in Millstreet at a later date.

All of our Church Services were very well attended at Holy Week and we’d like to thank the members of our Clergy and all those who made it so special for us all.

Still with church affairs, a monster fundraising Vintage Rally and Family Fun Day was held at the Green Glens Arena on Easter Sunday, in aid of our Church Restoration Project. People  from clubs and committees in the area   all signed to help. There was a huge entry  ,the weather was great and once again  the Mighty Green Glens  stood up to the challenge of catering for the crowds. We will announce the financial outcome as soon as it comes to hand. Well done to all those who organised this great event.

Also on Easter Sunday the annual rememberance ceremony was here at the Monument in the Town Square, following  the 11.30 mass.

A dedicated group of volunteers went round the Town on Daffodil Day giving out Daffodils are collected a massive €2,600 for the cause. Mary FitGerald held a Coffee morning the same day and we’’ll give her results as soon as it comes to hand.

Items to come, Our Blessed Sacrement Chapel  is open every Wednesday and there will be Exposition of the Blessed Sacrement  from 10.30 am to 8.30 pm and people are welcome to drop in there any time.

The unveiling of the Wall Hanging  by Amanda Wright, will take place at our local library on to-morrow Wednesday April 7th. at 3.30 and all are welcome.

Divine Mercy Devotions will take place at our Church on this Sunday afternoon starting at 3pm. And  will include confessions .

Citizens Advice Centre is open to-day and the first Tuesday of every month at our Adult Learning Centre on the Main St.  from 10.30 to 12.30 Contact number,022 20162.

Notes for Clara News due in to the Editor this weekend.

An important note here from our Railway Station to say that Day-Return tickets  to any destination at €10 for adults and €5 for children are available  now. Phone number .029 70096.

Teenage Disco coming up in Kilcorney this Fiday night  April 9th. starting at 9. It’s for 13 to 16 year olds, will be fully supervised, no handbags allowed in the Hall.

Gala Concert  at Ionad Cultura Saturday April 10th. at 8.30,  02645733.

Here are the results of this weeks parish lotto draw which was held at Corkerys Bar on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were  2, 9, 24, 26 and the Jackpot was not won. E100 went to Ber. Murphy, Knocknakilla. The Seller was  Mairead Daly and she got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Paddy Golden, €20 each to Eileen Egan, Liscahane, Dave O Sulliven, Station Rd , Davy Tarrant, The Bridge Bar, Haden Collins, c/o Natural Beauty  Salon, Joan O Connor, c/o Joan Casey, Jenifer Lawlor, Liscahane, Lad, c/o Lehane, and Martin Cleary, Clara Rd. Jackpot for next week €3,600 the draw at The Mal Passo Bar on Sunday night.


In the Co. Premier Minor Football Championship, Millstreet  V  Eire Og in Carrigadrohid  tomorrow Wednesday at 6.30pm.
On Saturday, Millstreet host the Duhallow Under 21 Football Championship Final between Boherbue and  Lyre commencing at 6.30pm.

Finaly I want to say many thanks to all the lovely people  who continue to send messages of good-will and encouragement , much appreciated.

Agus sinn a bfuil a Cairde,  ,this is Eily Buckley saying Slan is Beannacht De libh go leir.

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