Parish Newlsetter 15th April, 2012

Second Sunday of Easter 15th April, 2012
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile 087-7752948
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Anthony Manley (Mr O), The Square

Mass Intentions this Week-end:

Saturday 14th April:

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Daniel & Elizabeth Creedon, Cloghoula

Sunday 15th April:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Sean O’Leary, Cork
Cullen 10.15 a.m. John & Mae Naughton, Ahane
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Dan & Bridget Collins, Cockhill

Anniversaries: Dermot Twomey, The Bridge; Pat O’Donnell, Liscahane; Breda O’Leary, The Square; Patrick O’Donoghue, Aubane; Noel & Bart Keating, Murphy’s Terrace; Jimmy Cotter, Murphy’s Terrace; Maria O’Riordan, Altamount; Michael & Frank O’Riordan, Knocknagree; Billy & Lena Mulcahy, Dromahane; Patricia O’Neill, Carrigaline & Tooreenbawn.

Mass Intentions for next week-end:

Saturday 21st April:

Millstreet 6.30 p.m. Patrick & Seanie Murphy, Cloghoulabeg

Sunday 22nd April:

Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Florrie O’Donoghue, Lackabawn

Cullen 10.15 am. Denis & Pat Joe Murphy, Coolinarne

Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Victor & Margaret O’Hare, Cloghoulamore

& Deceased members of the Kelleher Family, Tooreenabawn

Parish Capital Collection last weekend: €2,741.95 Thanks.

Millstreet Church: Mass on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00a.m., unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Tuesday 17th for Ned Buckley, Mill Lane (recently deceased) at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Thursday 19th for Claire Grainger, Birmingham at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday 20th for Lena O’Keeffe, Main Street, at the request of the Tidy Towns Committee at 7.30p.m.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 10.30p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet. Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions – A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. Each Wednesday the box will be placed on the altar for Mass and then placed in the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them.

Rotas for Next Weekend 21st/22nd April





6.30 p.m. Deirdre Meade Group E
11.30 a.m. Veronica Lyons


9.00 a.m. Nono O’Connor Group F


10.15 a.m. Hugh O’Keeffe Group B: Kathleen O’Sullivan & Joan O’Donoghue

CONFESSIONS: Every Saturday in Millstreet Church 12.30p.m.-1.00p.m

CULLEN CHURCH: Collector for next weekend (22nd): Jerry O’Sullivan

Mass on Thursday 19th April for: James, Kathleen & J.J. O’Mahony, Clonakilty at 7.30p.m.

STATION MASS THIS WEEK: Ahane in the home of Tom & Brid O’Riordan on Friday 20th at 8.15p.m.

MILLSTREET CHURCH ALTAR SOCIETY for 22nd & 29th April Group D.

TRÓCAIRE OFFERINGS: We remind you to return your Trócaire Offerings as soon as you can, so that our contributions can be returned. You can place envelopes on the offertory plate or return to Parish Office. Thank you for your support.

DIVINE MERCY NOVENA ends on Mercy Sunday (15th) with devotions in Millstreet Church at 3.00p.m.

EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS: The Brochure for the International Eucharistic Congress (10th-17th June) is now available in your local Church. Advance bookings at a reduced rate available at or by phone (01)2981122 until 9th May or pay at the door in June.

Special upcoming event: “Gathering & Remembering 1932” on Monday 23rd April at Brennan’s Green Isle Hotel. Full details on notice board of each church. For reservations contact (01) 4593406.

GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAY 29th April – “Adoration for Vocation” at 5.00p.m. in the Church of the Resurrection, Killarney. Presided by Bishop Bill Murphy and music by Helena Connolly.

Community Notices

CLARA NEWS: Notes to the editor by Thursday 19th

MILLSTREET VINTAGE CLUB: would like to thank all those who helped in any way in the organising and running of their successful Vintage Day in the K&L Complex on last Sunday.

DROMTARIFFE ICA: Jewellery demonstration on Tuesday 17th at 8.30p.m.

FEILE CHEOIL: 22nd April in Community School Confined competitions at 12.30p.m. Open competitions at 2.00p.m.

PENTECOST SUNDAY 26th May: Worship & prayer at Citywest Hotel Dublin. Speakers Fr. Pat Collins & Rev Dr. Ruth Patterson.

IRD: “Titanic Remembrance Night” 19th April at 7.30p.m. For details of upcoming events contact (029) 60633.

COFFEE MORNING in aid of Marymount Hospice on Saturday 21st April from 10.00a.m. – 2.00p.m. in the Parish Centre.

MILLSTREET GRAMOPHONE CIRCLE in the Canon O’Donovan Centre Friday 20th April at 8.15p.m. Presenter is Eithne O’Keffee, Boherbue.

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