Eily’s Report – 20th February

Dia is mhuire díobh go léir a cáirde and welcome to my Report.

Oh what a beautiful day can do, to see the brightness and the warmth of the sun, feel the springy mossy soil beneath your feet. Three fine days in a row were made all the more special when the weather forecast for them was for rain and more rain and wind and freezing cold.  All going to two local wedding held their breadth on Saturday with guests arriving fully supplied with rain wear and umbrellas. Both weddings had Cloghoula connections and their receptions were  held at two hotels in beautiful  Adare. Our Canon John endeared himself  to all present at the wedding of Martin Buckley and his lovely bride Lisa O’Driscoll, at her native church in Ballyhooly. His open and friendly manner did not go unnoticed. The Carriganima bus was made available to all those who needed a lift and the reception at Fitzgerald’s Woodlands Hotel in Adare was a joy to all.

The second wedding of the day with a Cloghoula connection was that of Richard Brown Kilcorney who teaches at Cloghoula National School, he  was joined in marriage to Marese Murphy. We wish all our newly weds many years of health and happiness.

It not always easy to keep the lines of communication open especially between the ages. Everything changes with the passage of time and if you don’t  try to keep up you could lose out or at least become disconnected. Last week I bewailed the loss of my tyre which by the way had just passed the NCT when it was punctured at the kerb outside Vanstan’s Porch in the town. To my dismay few people knew where I was referring to when I said Vanstan’s porch. If I’d said the Wok Chinese restaurant people would have it right off. Since first I saw the light Vanstan’s porch has stood out literally as well as physically in our town. With its balcony of wrought iron railing and coloured glass panels it commanded an air of importance. People met there sheltering from the wind and rain at which side depended on which side the bad weather was coming from. And those who lived there had a birds eye view of everything that went on in the street, from their lofty balcony above. We used to look up at them in awe. It was a busy hotel in my young days. Times when travellers went from town to town selling their goods. It was popular also with jobbers who came to the monthly fairs in the town. I can just about recall the man’s name Frank, while the lady called Lou lived on until many years later. They owned a lot of property in that part of town. Barrett’s at the Corner and many houses in Church St. With the passage of time some people bought out the places that they had rented, but not all and it pricks my curiosity today to see a notice on a door in Church St. asking ‘who owns this house’. It’s there for ages and sadly it is falling into dis-repair with slates missing, more going with every bout of storm . We lost the name Vanstan when Lou passed away and looking back from where I stand I can recall some other fine names that we have lost over the years. With the mere mention of their names, their faces come before me as if it were only yesterday. Cooper, Sexton, Vanstan. The fine house in the Main St. which was owned by a business man of questionable character and his name over the door was replaced to the name, Justice.  Where a fine family bakery kept us in the finest fresh bread for many years.  Likewise at another thriving bakery at the West End by the name Phillips has passed into history and sadly in the recent past the noble name of King slipped away when brother and sister Paddy and Bridget went to Heaven the same week. It’s a changing world and there are names coming among us now that  I couldn’t even spell or pronounce.  The stage is theirs now and we can only wish them the help of the same God who watched over all the others who went before.

 Since last week I met a lady who told me that she also got a tyre written off in the very same place as I did, as you turn in to park just beyond the Golden Wok and another person got a spring damaged there. I wonder  how long this problem is going to go on for. It is causing a lot of distress and expense and should be seen to right away.

The AGM of the Active Retired Association will be held tomorrow Wednesday February 21 at the Day Centre from 7 pm . A suggestion box will be available where people are invited to have a say in private.

A very important meeting of the Community Council will be held at the Adult Learning Centre to-night Tuesday to discuss the parking in the town. All members please attend.

Our Lenten period got off the a great start last week with Blessed ashes being made available to all.  Part of the Stations of the Cross are being said at each of morning Masses and there is a marked increase in attendance since the onset of Lent. The first week already gone.

Eucharistic Adoration continues every Tues. from 10.30am to 7.30 pm. please attend it well.

Ballydaly Social Group will hold their AGM at the Hall tonight Tuesday, February 20 from 8pm. Please support it well.

Aubane Community Alert Group will hold a Crime Prevention meeting to-night February 20 at 8.30.  A member of the Garda will attend.

Millstreet & District Housing Association will hold their AGM on Monday, February 26th  at 8.30. All welcome.

SECAD will hold an information day in Millstreet Parish Centre tomorrow Wednesday between 9 and 1pm. Information on job-seeking, self- employment ,education options with government support available.

Millstreet Vintage Club Tractor Run in aid of Millstreet Pitch ‘n Putt next Sunday. Departing Day Centre at 12 noon.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn werer 4, 7, 8, 22  and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Jack O’ Riordan. Jack was also the seller and got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Peter Lane, c/o Noreen Tarrant, €20 each to Tina Murphy, Liscahane, The 3 Amigos c/o Michelle Whelan. The FitzGeralds c/o Denis Twomey, Siobhan O’Neill c/o N Tarrant. Bina O’Mahony c/o Colemans, E Coakley, Rathmore c/o Lehane & Robert, Conor O’Callaghan  c/o The Bush. Angela Kelleher, West End.  Next Draw February 25th .    Jackpot €2.600.

Last year our Transition year students of the Community School held a Morning Coffee etc at the Parish Centre and it was highly successful. This year they’re doing it all again. To be held at the same venue on March 4th. From 10.30 to 12 noon. Please make a note of the date and be there to support them well.

Still with March 4 at 7.30 a consultation gathering will be held at the Day Centre.   In preparation for this Gathering we are asked to get a copy of the Pastoral letter from the back of the church and reflect on the questions . Without the presence of a priest to lead or co-ordinate, what aspects of parish life could we the laity  take responsibility for and organise ourselves.

Where do we see scope for co-operation with neighbouring parishes  in our pastoral area, given what Bishop Ray has said reducing numbers and increasing age what do we want to say to the priest?

Please take note of the date March 4  and support it well.

Once again we have great pleasure in congratulating the lovely Gillian and her husband Raymond Gilmore on sweeping the board at Gowran Park  this weekend where they won the prestigious Best Dressed Award. The beautiful pictures are on Facebook.

Age for all meeting at the Library this Friday, from 11 to 1. All welcome.

It’s Coffee and scone day followed by bingo for our ARA at the Day Centre.

The sponsored Weigh-In continues in Cullen every Menday night. Last night 30 people attended and 53 lbs weight was lost.

Sinn a bfuil a cairde ,Slan is beannacht Dé libh go léir

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