Cornelius Corcoran, Texas

Cornelius Corcoran was the son of Cornelius & Mary Corcoran. Born March 17 At Millstreet Co. Cork Ireland, and died January 14 1884 At Kaufman, Kaufman Co. Texas 31 yrs 9mo 27 days. He is buried at Calvary Cemetery, Denison, Grayson County, Texas, USA (see the headstone on the left).

Interestingly, another Con Corcoran who was born in Millstreet is buried in the same graveyard. It is quite probable they were related but this one is Cornelius T. Corcoran (March 19th 1880 – Jan 30th 1820)  son of Tim & Mary (neé Kennealy) Corcoran of Coolekerane (see the headstone on the right). Read his baptismal information.

Here are photos of headstones of other probable realtions in the same graveyard

8 thoughts on “Cornelius Corcoran, Texas”

  1. There’s an interesting headstone in the graveyard next to St. Patrick’s Church in Millstreet; it’s to someone who (if memory serves) was a soldier with the C.S.A. (Confederate States of America) who presumably fought in the American Civil War.

  2. Corneilius’ headstone was probably meant to read January 30, 1920 (not 1820) and was most likely erected following the death of Rita (wife?)in 1951. May they rest in peace.

  3. I believe that it’s to your right as you walk down the path, Michael – just before you turn right for the back of the Church. Then again, it’s been a couple of years since I visited it! Thank you again for maintaining a superb website.

    1. thanks donal, i’m in there fairly often cos my grandmother is buried near there. i never copped that grave though. i’ll have a look to see if i can find it.

  4. Hi Micheal. I stumbled across this website trying to find the address of my cousin’s farm near Millstreet. The farm is called Coolekerane so I’m fairly certain that the elder Cornelius T. Corcoran mentioned above is my great-great-uncle – uncle to my Grandad, who was also called Cornelius Corcoran. All the boys in the family are named Patrick, Tim, John or Cornelius so it gets a bit confusing! One of my cousins is nicknamed “Tex” apparently after this ancestor.

    Donal, I believe the headstone you mentioned in Millstreet is my great-uncle John Corcoran (nicknamed Jacky), my Grandad’s brother. My Grandad was one of 10 children who survived into adulthood. The eldest son Tade (Tim?) Corcoran inherited the farm and died around 20 years ago. Patrick Corcoran owns it now – my first cousin once removed. My Grandad was the youngest and came here to England. At least two of his brothers emigrated to America – Darby Corcoran died in New York, and Jacky was killed in the Korean war.

    I took a picture of John (Jacky) Corcoran’s honor roll certificate in my great-aunt’s house when I visited the farm. If you’re interested in the details, he was born in Millstreet on 3rd September 1929, was a Private First Class for the US Army, a member of the 32nd Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Divison. He fought in the Korean war and was wounded while fighting near the Han River on 24th September 1950. He died 8 days later. He was awarded the Purple Heart as well as 6 other medals.

    Thanks for spotting and posting the headstone photos, I’ve inadvertently learnt a lot about my family!

    1. thanks for replying Chloé,

      It’s good to try to connect up the dots and figure out who is who.

      The headstone in the church graveyard is of Nicholas Pomeroy who fought in the American Civil War, was captured twice, and released, injured multiple times, but survived and returned to live out his days in Millstreet when he died in 1919 (I think).

      We have a very interesting article on John that died in the Korean War here. It shows where John is buried (with his uncle William):

      We don’t have a copy of his honor roll, so it would be nice to see it. Most service records from the Korean War were destroyed in a fire in 1973, so it’s left to word of mouth now. Every little helps.

      if there’s anything we can help you with, please let us know,

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