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2 thoughts on “Archives”

  1. I have in hand an embroidered sampler that has stitched on it: Mary Aloysius Denieny / Presentation Convent / School Millstreet /
    Mary is my Hope 1851 (I don’t know if the third ‘name’ is hers or the school or what?

    Can you give me any information? Could this have been a student in your school in 1851?

    Thank you in advance for any information you can give me.
    Jackie Brown
    Westwood, MA USA

  2. I have just stumbled on this post 6 years down the line…so it may lead to nothing.
    My grandmother’s name was Mary Dennehy. She was put into St Aloysius Industrial School aged 2, in 1888 (the ‘school’ was an orphanage in CLonakilty, Cork).
    However, her mother was from Millstreet, apparently.
    Mary had a brother, James, two years older than her, who was also put into an orphanage (we don’t know which one, but probably in Cork).
    James went to America, possibly Massachusetts, around 1904.
    The siblings did not meet, and it was a source of great sadness that Mary did not know what happened to James Dennehy in America.
    I wonder if this was her sampler…with perhaps the name slightly wrong or misread, and even the date? Or are they very clear?
    I may be barking up the wrong tree of course…but thought I would reply to your query anyway.
    Is there a Dennehy lurking in your ancestry? How did you get hold of that sampler?
    Many thanks…email me if you have any thoughts.
    A. Ray Email: <email>

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