1966: Millstreet Pipe Band play the 50th Anniversary of the Easter Rising

This weekend, the Millstreet Pipe Band played the Centenary Commemoration of the Easter 1916 Rising, but in Easter 1966, the Millstreet Pipe Band held pride of place at the 50th anniversary of the 1916 Rising in Tralee. There’s a video of it in the RTÉ archives.
Click here to watch the 1966 video.
In it, the band are seen marching and playing at 1:22, 2:45, and 3:14, but unfortunately there is no sound.

1966 Millstreet Pipe Band lead out the 50th anniversary Parade of the 1916 Rising in Tralee 02

1966 Millstreet Pipe Band lead out the 50th anniversary Parade of the 1916 Rising in Tralee  1966 Millstreet Pipe Band lead out the 50th anniversary Parade of the 1916 Rising in Tralee 03


There’s a video of the playing the Millstreet Centenary Commemoration [Click here to view it]


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