Waste Minimisation



Our Waste Minimisation Strategy for 2009




Campaign to Create a Greater Public Awareness of REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE

In an effort to encourage the residents of Millstreet to recycle as much of their household waste as possible, Millstreet Tidy Towns will be conducting a campaign to inform the public about local recycling
facilities and the materials that the bring centre recycles.

Alternatively, we urge textiles and bric-a-brac to be taken to either The Charity Shop to ensure the most trustworthy allocation of such items.

Millstreet Tidy Towns Association plans to inform residents about these facilities through various media. Millstreet Tidy Towns Website will be our main source of communication and advertising.  It was launched simultaneously in our local schools on May 29th 2009. Educating ourselves about waste minimisation by providing links to Bring Centre webpages, where residents can explore what these facilities have to offer. Also links to associated websites such as raceagainstwaste.ie and Enfo.ie can provide us with other, more in-depth waste minimisation strategies. We will also be using the Millstreet Tidy Towns website to post announcements regarding any updated news on Waste Minimisation & recycling news, Composting Workshops etc..


Millstreet Tidy Towns will also run an Art Competition in local school highlighting this year's Waste Minimisation theme.


Because the Millstreet Tidy Towns website is new, we intend to publicise it through such media outlets as the Clara News and The Corkman as well as the Millstreet.ie website, which is created and maintained by Hannah Lee.We feel that our most powerful tool in waste minimisation is educating the general public and we are confident that this Waste Awareness campaign will help us to achieve the goal of increasing
Waste Minimisation & recycling participation among the residents of Millstreet while instilling a greater sense of environmental responsibility in both the young and old.

Millstreet Tidy Towns presents Muck ‘n Magic -A composting Workshop.

In keeping with the previous theme of reducing household waste, Millstreet Tidy Towns members are hosting a composting workshop on May 29th in the GAA Hall.  Specially invited are the Primary School Children where they will get plenty of hands on experience on how to make Muck into Magic!

Recycling and waste minimisation are positive steps that we can take to help the environment. Millstreet Tidy Towns have accepted the new challenge presented by the Tidy Towns Competition to instill a
greater sense of environmental awareness in the community by preaching the benefits of recycling while simultaneously practicing what we preach. We encourage everyone to think about the waste we create and take responsibility for what happens to it.