We love people to comment on millstreet.ie, indeed it’s a great way of getting people involved, but over time we have found that some have tried to take advantage of the facility to post inappropriate comments on the site, so we now moderate all comments before they are published 🙁
Because of this, it may be a little while before your comment is approved.
Here are some of the reasons why your email may be rejected are:
- Play nice: This is not a platform for personally abusive or insulting comments, inappropriate content, foul language, offensive material, abusive or off-topic comments – all will be deleted
- Racist, sexist and homophobic comments will all be deleted,
- Be yourself: Impersonating any other individual or organisation may get you banned, so please use your correct email and name
- No repeated posts please, and no marketing/sales messages – they will be deleted
- No spam – they just make us angry !!!
- Campaigning by people not from Millstreet – we’d like the people from Millstreet to make their own minds up without outside influence.
- Anything that might be inappropriate in a small community will not be tolerated … most of us know everyone else, and meet on the street every other day.
Some comments that make a good point, but have some objectionable content may have the objectionable bit of the comment removed. It will be marked where this has happened.
We’re pretty liberal and thankfully we haven’t had to block many comments, but better safe than sorry.
The above rules will be also applies to our pages on Facebook and Twitter.
thanks for your understanding
the admins at Millstreet.ie
Can you please place this ad on Millstreet website:
Wanted – Ladies bike in good condition ,strong, sturdy for mature lady.Maybe you have a bike in your shed you no longer need, in roadworthy condition and would be willing to give it away?
Please Contact Eileen 087/2403947
I am searching for the Duggan Family from the County Cork area. Specifically my great-grandparents John Duggan and Julia Crowley. They were married at Rathmore Parish in 1871 and most, if not all of their children were baptized at Rathmore Parish.
John Duggan, my great-grandfather died around 1926 if records are correct.
Julia Duggan (maiden name Crowley) died around 1941 if records are correct.
If anyone knows anything please respond.
Thank You
I know they lived in Nohoval for at least 1871-1941.
Hi Tim Cotter here i am a soccer coach with Killarney Celtic just wondering if Millstreet has a under 14 soccer team if so we would be looking for a challenge game in the next 2 weeks please contact me on 0877584847 we will travel to my home town
On my recent visit to Clara Mountain it brought back a lot of good memories of the summer days we went up Clara . This was a big day for all the kids of Murphy Terrace, myself included. We would have the Clearys, the Mahonys from number 2, the Todds and to many more to mention. The highlight would be who would get to the bottom first this was a big race involving any thing up to 30 kids. As I was telling my son about thesis days as we looked down on my old home no 8 Murphy Terrace I relisted old age is catching up and I wonder how many people stood on Clara and look at its wonder. But i would like to make a suggestion to the Millstreet people is it possible to put a spot-light at the foot of the cross and light it during Christmas and Easter this would look great from the town.
Like to thank Christen Doyle for a wonderful reunion night in the Bush Bar Sat night 3/11/18 it was great to see a lot of old face from the factory. Lots of laughs and and reminiscing of the days in molex cant wait for the next reunion . Molex might be gone but the memories wont ever leave .
A very responsible and pleasant 40-year-old Polish woman will take care of a child in her home. I have children and I can handle them well. I will not lack anything in them, neither fun or education. In my home, your child will always have a home and a warm atmosphere .Please contactme at number.Lidia 0858582874