
Thank you for visiting We welcome all comments, kudos, or criticism you would like to share with us on the site. But please leave your name and where you’re from. We’d love to know who is reading and where they are looking in from!

With thanks, from all in Millstreet.

Note: The old version of (pre August 2009) had a guestbook too. All the comments were copied over, just click here to see them.

789 thoughts on “Guestbook”

  1. Hello Sean and Judith – I am so glad you will be able to meet up, and that Judith will be able to see the home our of mutual great-great grandparents, Eugene and Mary McCarthy! I know Eugene’s parents were Owen and Honora, they never left Ireland. No matter, it is a beautiful town and we are lucky to have a connection! All the best to Sean and my third cousin, Christine

    1. Hello Christine, I have just completed my tree and am also descended from Owen and Honora, through their son Timothy. I would love to visit Millstreet too, and I hope to some day. May I ask what you learned from your trip? I am so excited, we must be related!

      1. Hi Sinead – how exciting! here is my email address so we can talk off the website! I will get together what I have and send it to your email address. I loved my visit to Millstreet. I can tell you that Eugene, who was Timothy’s brother, and his wife Mary Moynihan/Minahan came to Canada and then upstate New York, where my line of the McCarthys through my father Ross McCarthy still live. (I’m in Connecticut and married with a 21 year old son, who’s been to Millstreet, as has my brother and my husband.) Eugene worked first as a shoemaker, then as a postmaster in a town outside of Syracuse, NY, where he is buried. His son Dennis fought in the Civil War. More to come! Send me what you have as well, cousin – nice to meet you. – Christine <email>

    2. Hello Christine, Ellen McCarthy was my 3greats grandmother. She married Cornelius Crowley. They had a son named John who married Mary Duggan. I believe they were from Millstreet. Does Ellen show up on your tree anywhere? I am in upstate New York, north of Albany. Thanks!

  2. Our eternal thanks to Sean R. and Mary H. for spending such quality time with me and my family on our trip to Millstreet. Sean gave us a tour of the town and we investigated the cemetery next to the church only to find some very old McCarthy resting places. Mary took us to the cemetery near the old McCarthy castle and we located more very old McCarthy resting places (really felt the shared DNA thing). It was such a joy to feel so connected to my Irish ancestors. Both Sean and Mary enriched our trip to Ireland ten fold.

    1. Hello Judith, I have also left a reply for Christine as I have just completed my tree and am also descended from Owen and Honora, through their son Timothy, Brother of Eugene. You obviously went to Millstreet recently. I would be so grateful to hear what you learned from your trip?

  3. John Hooper apparently born in Millstreet c1846 became editor of the Cork Daily Herald, MP at Westminster for East Cork and jailed for Publishing Land League reports, appears by name frequently in ” Ulysses” by James Joyce. His father, Patrick, lived at Coolnagillagh Lower, Millstreet (1848/1860). Patrick worked a clerk probably on a large farm. His wife was Ellen and his daughter Mary born 1837. I have trawled baptismal records and marriage records for any mentions of HOOPERS apart from Griffith Survey and failed. Has anyone seen any mention of HOOPER in researches of about this period? 25 years asearching.

  4. Hello , I am looking for anyone related to the Murphy family of Drishanebeg . I know the family farm is still there. I am descended from Jeremiah Murphy , Catherine Shea , Peter Murphy . Any help would be much appreciated

  5. nice site. my research shows many connections to family from Millstreet up to the 1850’s. I visited Millstreet in 2004 and again in 2007. Cute little town.
    Mike Sullivan, USA

    1. hi Mike –
      Any Margaret Sullivan marrying a Tim Buckley about 189_ ?
      They had a daughter Margaret Buckley who was my Grandmother
      who came to Boston in 1910 and married a John Kelleher(b:1887) also from Drishane(Millstreet)
      Can’t get past this point in history.

  6. I quite forgot to enquire if Millstreet has a football team. If so, I wonder when it was founded. It occurred to me that many football teams are photographed – especially if they win. These photos appear in local papers, with names of the sportsmen. This could be useful to anyone looking for ancestors from Millstreet. Most Irishmen are keen on sport – my father certainly was.

  7. Hi I am looking for any information regarding my ancestors. I have my Great great Grandmother Ann Mahoney Born about 1814 in Millstreet,Cork. Married a Thomas Carrick Born about 1812 in Limerick.(Marriage date & place unknown) On the UK Census for 1851 is shown an Ellen Mahoney sister age 26 born in Millstreet, Cork and John Mahoney brother age 23 born in Millstreet, Cork.
    Looking through church records I found a christening for Ellen in 1825 to Jerh Mahony & Honora Sullivan and a John in 1829 with the same parents.
    In 1814 I found a Christening for a Danl Mahoney to a Jerry Mahony & Honora Sullivan. On inspecting the original transcript I think that Danl could have been Ann. Can anybody shine any light?
    Many thanks in advance

  8. Hello,

    My name is Denis Kelleher and my great grandfather was Denis Leader of Knockanroe Kilcorney. I knew he was very interested in music and was known as Captain for some reason. I heard lately from a cousin that there was a song known as The Ballad of Captain Leader. Does this ring a bell with anyone or can someone cast some light on it or the name captain. Thanks very much. Denis

  9. Hi Michael- You have been so helpful. I wonder if you can explain Irish address of my grandfather. What is a townland?- Census states Lislehane- Poor Law? Millstreet- Barony? Duhallow, Parish? Cullen,-District? Derragh, County Cork. Makes it hard to locate family home as this type of address is so unfamiliar! Thank you so much. Kathy

    1. Kathy

      Townland is indeed an unusual concept to people outside Ireland. It is not easy to define but none the less real for that. It is unique to Ireland. It is a form of social identification that has a unique element of having a very social but also a very individual aspect to it. It has existed in Ireland since time immemorial. It explains why people like to live in houses that are spread across the countryside but in a way that our planners hate. The Irish Times has done a recent series on Rural Ireland and it never mentioned townlands. It said in an editorial: “Thanks to a liberal planning regime, we now have half a million individual houses dotted over the countryside – the majority urban-generated and dependent on cars even for basic everyday needs. This has not only scarred Ireland’s landscapes, but also sucked the life out of our towns and villages.” (20/8/14). So people living and building houses in the townlands they like to live in are ‘scarring’ the countryside. But what is the countryside for except for people to live in as they would like. The ‘liberal planning regime” has done everything possible to stop this development and have not encouraged it one bit! But it is what people want. This may not fully explain the concept of townlands but please pursue the discussion and I will try to elaborate further.

      Jack Lane

      1. Dear Jack- Thank you for taking the time to explain it all. Still a little confusing but I get most of it. To hear you state that the Irish Times ignored the existence and development of townlands is to deny both Ireland’s past as well as it’s future. My grandfather wrote ” Irish free State” on many of his papers. It’s best that people remember!!

  10. hi kathleen

    I’ve listed below are the areas you ask about … from smallest to largest in size

    > I wonder if you can explain Irish address of my grandfather.
    > What is a townland?- Census states Lislehane- Poor Law?
    > Millstreet- Barony? Duhallow, Parish? Cullen,-District?
    > Derragh, County Cork.
    > Makes it hard to locate family home as this type
    > of address is so unfamiliar! Thank you so much. Kathy

    If you can at all, stick to the Townland, because they’re the smallest land divisions.

    What is a townland?- Census states Lislehane

    Townlands are the smallest land divisions in Ireland Ireland, ranging in size from as small as a few acres to more than 50,000 acres. In general, the better the land, the smaller the townland. Most Irish people living outside towns would have used their townland name as their address in both civil and religious records, and still do.

    Many Townlands are of very old origin and they developed in various ways – from ancient clan lands, lands attached to Norman manors or Plantation divisions. Several townlands of the same name may exist even within one county and the same names appear again and again in different parts of the country. Since the names often derive from natural features – hills, wood, rivers etc – this is not surprising.

    click the link to see a map (from about 1840) where the red outlines indicate the boundaries of the townlands. Lislehane is in the middle of the map (townland names are written in big),523977,595703,5,7

    the average townland size in this area was about 300 acres. lislehane was 175 acres in size
    (see the full list for the millstreet area here:

    -District? Derragh, County Cork
    A District Electoral Division (often abbreviated as DED) is a former name given to a low-level territorial division in Ireland. Essentially they are subdivisions of Poor Law Unions

    Parish? Cullen,
    (This is more than a little confusing !!!! )

    Based on medieval Christian Parishes, these were adopted by the English administration as the smallest administrative units in Ireland. There are approximately 2,445 civil parishes in Ireland, though they are no longer used for any administrative purpose.

    There is often confusion between Civil and Church parishes, so a brief explanation of how and why they differ is in order here.

    Catholic Parishes: From the beginning of the late 1500′s, following the establishment of the Church of Ireland, Roman Catholic parishes began to develop separately. Their names and the areas they encompass are not the same as those of civil parishes.

    Church of Ireland Parishes: Church of Ireland parishes were originally similar to civil ones, but where there were insufficient parishioners serveral church parishes were amalgamated and thus a single Church of Ireland parish could contain a number of civil parishes. Similarly in areas where there were more parishoners, there could be several church parishes in one civil parish.

    Catholic and Church of Ireland records are recorded by parish, but these parishes with the same names will not correspond to each other. If civil parishes are mentioned in records they are unlikely to correspond with the names of Catholic ones and may not correspond to Church of Ireland ones either.

    Catholic parishes merged, emerged and disappeared at various times, with records being amalgamated or passed over to another parish. This needs to be borne in mind if searching for Catholic church records.

    … basically if it’s in a gevernment document, it will be the civil parish, if it’s a religious document, it will be the religious parish. (it’s a nightmare really)

    the link below shows the local map of the civil parishes. parishes are outlined in a light blue with townlands again outlined in red. again lislehane is in the middle, and is seen in the Cullen Parish,523008,595713,4,7

    Poor Law – Millstreet?
    Poor Law Unions were created by the 1839 Poor Law Act, whose primary purpose was to set up an administration for responding to the growing numbers of destitute people in Ireland.

    The Act legislated for the collection of a poor law rate or tax from landowners, to be used to set up and finance a workhouse in each district. As a result of the act 163 new administrative divisions – known as Poor Law Unions – were created.

    Each Poor Law Union comprised a market town (after which the Union was named) and its natural catchment area. The drawing up of the unions often ignored existing boundaries of townlands, parishes and even counties.

    When a health care system was introduced, the poor law unions were further sub-divided into dispensary districts, to each of which a doctor was appointed.

    poor law union maps

    Here are the list of townlands in the Poor Law Union

    Barony? Duhallow,
    Baronies were administrative subdivisions of Counties, each comprising a number of civil parishes, though they do not conform precisely to county borders. They were established mostly during the 15th and 16th centuries. They are no longer have any administrative function and have not had one since the mid-1800′s, but they arise frequently in historic records.
    read more:

    Here’s a map of the (old) baronies of Cork:
    Millstreet was part of West Muskerry) … but is more associated with Duhallow these days. (actually i’m not sure if there was an actual change, of if it was just a sporting change)

    hope you understood all of that … 😉

    1. Amazing!! So complicated!! I really appreciate the history lesson and your thoughtfulness! I love the maps!!

  11. Hi Michael- I was wondering if you have any idea on how I can research the Murley/Morley name issue. It makes it so much harder in my research as the names flip back and forth. Any idea on how and why would be much appreciated! Iforwarded your guestbook blog to some family researchers I met through Can’t wait to visit Millstreet on my next vist!!Thanks so much Kathy

    1. i suspect it’s just a misspelling. you come across them all the time in the census entries. in a way that’s how some family names have changed slightly over time.

      incidentally, around here (and to make it a little more awkward), ‘Morley’ is pronounced more like ‘Murley’.

      yes it makes the searching harder, and i don’t have any solutions … but maybe it’s better that you know at this stage that different versions of the name were used, rather than realising much further down the road.

      1. Thanks Michael! That makes sense now Morley sounds like Murley with pronunciation!! Got it!! Thanks so much!!

  12. Thank you very much for all the info I have received I am now going to write to a few of the addresses I have to see where it takes me But the info you gave me matched most of what I have I will let you if I have any luck but my grandfather always wanted to know so I don’t want to let him down now even though he is long gone but its always a burning question many thanks for all your help. Mary Ann lynch

  13. Hello! I am looking for information on William and Hanorah Healy Breen. At the 1901 census in Ireland they were at House 25, Ballydaly, Caherbarnagh, Cork. Occupants were as follows:
    William 78
    Norah 60
    Patrick 28
    Julia 21
    Hanorah 18
    William 11
    There was also mention of Millstreet and Cullen. They had a daughter named Laderna (Lottie) and also Katherine (Kitty) who had already moved to Boston. Legend has it that young Norah was the nanny for General George Patton’s children so she came to Boston as well. Lottie married a James Hogan in 1890 in Massachusetts.

    I was just looking for any further information and to see if I might still have some cousins in the area. I did visit your beautiful town several years back but only had the afternoon to do research. Any info would be greatly appreciated!

    Lori Hogan

  14. I am researching the Dennehy family. Patrick Dennehy was born in Millstreet in Dec 1/4 of 1891. He married Nora Crookes in Sept 1/4 of 1928. I would be grateful for any details of Patrick’s parents or siblings.

    Thank you in advance.

    1. i’m not really sure what you mean by “Dec 1/4” … last qrtr of the year?
      The online baptismal records show only one Patrick Dennehy born in 1891
      Date of Birth 28 October 1891
      Father DANIEL NR
      Mother MARIA (MARY) TUOMEY
      Further details in the record
      Father Occupation NR
      Sponsor 1 MICHAEL DENNEHY
      Sponsor 2 HELENA (HELEN) TOWMEY
      Priest C O SULLIVAN
      About the record
      Book Number Page Entry Number Record_Identifier
      Millstreet 5 122 N/R KY-RC-BA-402346

      if the above is correct, then these are the census details from 1901 for the family

      Dennehy Daniel M 55 Male Head of Family Catholic
      Dennehy Mary 53 Female Wife Catholic
      Dennehy Katie 18 Female Daughter Catholic
      Dennehy Julian 17 Female Daughter Catholic
      Dennehy Michael 16 Male Son Catholic
      Dennehy Denis 13 Male Son Catholic
      Dennehy Nora 14 Female Daughter Catholic
      Dennehy Daniel 11 Male Son Catholic
      Dennehy Patrick 9 Male Son Catholic
      Dennehy John 7 Male Son Catholic
      Dennehy Matty 3 Male Son Catholic

      1. Thank you so very much for your speedy response to my request. Yes, I did mean the last quarter.

        This will be the family I am looking for, as I know Patrick had a brother Denis. Your effort at helping me is much appreciated. I have a membership to Findmypast where I have found much of what I need for my own family tree, but this Dennehy line I am doing for an Irish friend.

        I will look at the churchrecords site myself and see what I can find there.

        Once again, thanks so much.


  15. Hi Michael, hello again. I wonder if I might ask you to work your magic again and look up something else for me.I have spent a fair bit of time today looking at the Dennehy (Danahy, Denehay, Dannhy etc)family and am a little confused at the plethora of information coming up.

    As Daniel Dennehy was born in the 1800’s according to his age on the 1901 census, would it be possible for you to find him on previous census records with his parents????

    I’d be very grateful if you can find time to look.

    Thanking you, Pamela

    1. unfortunately pamela, there’s no previous census details. here are the reasons:
      “The original census returns for 1861 and 1871 were destroyed shortly after the censuses were taken. Those for 1881 and 1891 were pulped during the First World War, probably because of the paper shortage. The returns for 1821, 1831, 1841 and 1851 were, apart from a few survivals, notably for a few counties for 1821 and 1831, destroyed in 1922 in the fire at the Public Record Office at the beginning of the Civil War.”

      your best bet would be to find someone that has done the research already and connect with them. it’s likely because the family is so big.


  16. Michael- Can’t Thank you enough!! You were absolutely correct in that Derry Morley( not Murley) is related! First cousins to my Mom. He resides in the home my grandfather was born in! My cousin is there now and has a wonderful experience! Your help was invaluable! Can’t wait to visit!! Your blog has been invaluable! Kathy

  17. Hello there , is there anyone connected in anyway to the Dennehy family of Millstreet, in particular Daniel Dennehy b. 1843 who married Mary Toumey (Towmey) b. 1848. They had 9 children one of whom was Patrick Dennehy b. 28 October 1891 and married Nora Crookes. Michael, on this site, was able to give me details of the 1901 census. I do have the names of the other children if anyone is interested. The smallest bit of information will be appreciated. Pamela

  18. Hi I am trying to trace a Murphy Family for a friend who lives in South Africa. Her great grandfather was Jeremiah Murphy who was born on 9th Dec. 1879 in Millstreet. He later went to South Africa where he died c1962. His parents were Patrick Murphy born in Milltown,Kerry and Johanna(hanna)Moriarity and were married in Millstreet on 25 Feb. 1879. Patricks parents were Jeremiah Murphy and Ellen Quill. Johanna’s parents were Bartholomew Moriarity and Julia Riordan. I cannot find any records of the family since 1879 and think they may have moved to USA around that time, I was wondering if there any decendants/relatives still living in the Millstreet area? Can anyone help. Thanks

    1. Hi Shirley,
      I found that Patrick died on 8th Dec 1937 in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. I have been unable to locate any other family members.

  19. My Mom visited the Reen family (Reen’s Pharmacy) many years ago while on a trip to Ireland, her name was Blanche Reen. They were corresponding for quite some time, but my mom has since passed away. They had reconstructed our family history to confirm we are related! I am nudging
    my brothers and sister to take a trip to Millstreet in the near future and wondered how to get some Reen family history? My dad was Jeremiah Daniel Reen, Born in Turners Falls, Massachusetts, USA in 1892 and lived in Springfield, Ma till he passed in 1975.
    Thank you in advance for any help!

  20. Hi Robert,
    I remember your Mom’s visit and her correspondence with our own Mom who passed away in
    Dec 2011. We are still living happily in Millstreet with the other members of the family living locally. My sister Annabelle is an expert on our family tree. Her email address is <email> and she would be delighted to hear from you.

  21. Hi everyone, we are two hillwalkers doing The Blackwater Way this weekend. We start from Bweeng to get Millstreet on Saturday and we want to stay one night there. If someone could provide us some information about accommodation, we will be very grateful for your help.

  22. Hi Seán, Thank you so much for sending on your lovely pictures from Saturday night’s LAMA awards and for your kind comments. It was lovely to meet yourself, Hannelie and Michael and we wish you and Millstreet well in your ventures. You are now featuring on our website, so if you’d like to see yourselves in a Co. Wexford setting, visit us on The story of our award-winning park, Le Chéile Park, is there also in pictures. You would be welcome to visit us any time. Best wishes, Mary Donohoe

  23. Can anyone help with information on Garrett Dennehy, and then Jeremiah Dennehy who owned à hotel in Macroom? Late 1800’s. Not sure of distance between Millstreet and Macroom, but the Dennehys originated in Millstreet. I will be glad of any suggestions.

    1. Hi

      Saw an old post of your regarding a Garrett Dennehy of Macroom – my GG Grandfather Garrett Dennehy married to Ellen Hinchin was from Macroom – his son John Dennehy was the owner of a hotel in Macroom until his death in 1907. I have never managed to trace the link back to Millstreet, but I believe that John was buried there.

      1. Thanks Caroline, I wonder if it’s the same John Denehy? I think my relatives would have been in London before 1907, but perhaps they would have sent him “home” to be buried in Millstreet. The name is a very common one leading to much confusion as you have probably found out!

  24. Many thanks Mary. We were delighted to meet with all your superb Group associated with the Award-winning “Le Chéile” Public Park in Askamore, Co. Wexford. We are indeed honoured that you have placed the images we recorded at the LAMA event in Dublin of your splendid win, on your own excellent Askamore Community Website. Enjoy your victorious celebrations!

    1. Hi

      This must be a mistake as I did not leave any comment on Garrett Dennehy. My Comment some time back was trying to trace relatives of the name Breen,& Daley’s, of Boherbue, Kiskeam, Kilbrin, Newmarket Co Cork area.



  25. Thank you for the reply regarding Garrett and Jeremiah Dennehy. I am now informed that Garratt could be a brother of Daniel Dennehy born in Millstreet in 1845 ish! and married Mary Toumey

    1. Hi Pamela,
      I have just found this site and have been scrolling through the posts.
      i’m wondering if you have gotten any further with your search of the Dennehy line.
      Also if your Dennehy’s could be related to mine. But as Michael has said it’s a very big family so i dont have much hope.
      this is what i have on my line but have hit a brick wall with not much hope of getting through it. it can be very frustrating but addictive.
      would love to know if you can help me.

      My GG grandfather was;

      John William Denahy/Dennehy b.1838? in Churchtown? Parish, Cork (died 14/12/1916 in Melbourne); married Deborah Mary Haly/Healy b.7/5/1838 (died 5/12/1921 in Richmond Melbourne). Married 15/12/1858 in Milford, Freemont, Ireland. John apparently went to work on the Haly’s propery?? They immigrated to Australia in 1862. Their son Cornelius John b.31 oct 1858 in Church of Assumption, Mallow, immigrated to Australia at about 22yrs old. He was left with the Haly/Healy family.

      John William’s Death certificate has his mother as ‘unknown Singleton’

      The only Denahy/Singleton I could find is;

      Cornelius Denahy/Dennehy b. 1810? In Mallow? Died 1862? In Kanturk? Married Catherine/Catharine Singleton b. 1816?

      They married 22/6/1834 in Churchtown Parish, Cork.

      I have found a Catherine Denahy living in Ballybahallagh in 1853 Griffiths rego but no mention of Cornelius

      Cornelius and Cath Singletons daughter Catherine bap 18 june 1835 in Liscaroll cert says they lived in Ballybahallagh, so possibly the same people. They also had a child Ellen bap.10 sept 1843 in Milford. I could not find any other children listed for them.

      Hoping someone can help me find the parents/siblings of John William, or find proof that Cornelius and Catherine are his parents.

      Could you suggest what I should do next as I have exhausted the subscriptions I have I think and have searched all the records at the NLI. Also put posts on various sites without success.

      many thanks
      i’m not very good at posts; always forget how to get back to them so maybe email would be a better way to reply <email>

    1. Hi Des, His date of death seems to be 28 June 1904.
      I presume you have seen the family in the 1911 census. His wife Margaret Flynn is still alive then,
      The following information may help or it may be more than you need!
      You can apply for a photocopy of the entry in the death register at a cost of €4.00. This will contain exactly the same information as a full death Certificate but is only of use for research purposes.
      You can apply by post for this by downloading a form from this site.
      Fill in this your payment method credit card etc on this form and on a separate page give them this information below.
      Name: Jeremiah Hegarty
      Event Type: Death
      Event Date: Jul – Sep 1904
      Event Place: Millstreet, Ireland
      Registration Quarter and Year: Jul – Sep 1904
      Registration District: Millstreet
      Age: 71
      Birth Year (Estimated): 1833
      Volume Number: 5
      Page Number: 287
      the address to post to is on the form and is in Co Roscommon

  26. Hi Mary, Thank you so much for your reply. Apologies for not replying sooner. You have been most helpful. I have a lot of information on his later life. The earlier part of his life seems vague. Thank you again for your valuable information.
    Kind Regards
    Des Hegarty.

  27. Hello all,

    I am hoping to find some information about my ancestors.

    Brothers Timothy(b. about 1856) and Cornelius Kelleher arrived in New South Wales, Australia onboard the ship Earl Dalhousie, 1878.

    Timothy married a Nora O’Leary? in Australia then moved to New Zealand where they settled in Marlborough.

    From what I can tell they had at least Three children. John Kelleher, Kathleen Toms(Kelleher), and Cornelius Kelleher.

    There has been some talk about Priests in the family.

    Hoping someone can shed some light on this.

    Many thanks


  28. Hello
    I have been tracing my family for many years. My 2nd Great Grandfather, Martin Coleman, was born in Ireland in abt. 1835, all the family says Cork but nothing specific. During my research I have come across the name of a gentlemen – Maurice Coleman – who I believe may be his brother. The names of his children are the same as most of Martin’s children and the ages are correct. Maurice Coleman married Mary Lucey 25 February 1873 according to these records is written as: Roman Catholic, Millstreet and Cullen, Cork, Ireland. The problem is, I can’t seem to connect Martin Coleman to Maurice Coleman at all. My theory is that Martin may have emigrated to the USA, while Maurice stayed behind.
    If there is anyone who can add some information to this, I’d be very grateful. Thank you!

  29. Greetings from USA! I posted a comment a few days ago about trying to locate any of my family who might still be in Cork, I have reason to believe they are from Millstreet. I am anxious to hear from any COLEMAN family, to see if we are related by comparing what information I have. I neglected to mention that we will be in Cork in late August and would love to come to explore Millstreet. Any COLEMANS out there?

    1. Hi Carol, I am not a Coleman, but will see if I can help. You need to give us some more information. Do you have Martin’s Marriage date and location (State) and his wife’s name, and/or his Death Cert. These will often have the parents names. Did he have a son Bartholomew?

      1. Mary, thank you so much for your reply!

        Here is what I do know: My 2nd Great Grandfather, Martin Coleman, was born in Ireland in abt. 1835, all the family says Cork but nothing specific. Martin emigrated to America and married Mary Hayes in 1856, so he left sometime before that. Their childrens’ names are: John Henry (my great grandfather), Margaret, Thomas, Martha, Martin and Edward. One of my records indicates that his mother’s name may have been Margaret but it appears only once and there is a question mark beside it.
        During my research I have come across the name of a gentlemen – Maurice Coleman – who I believe could be his brother. The names of some of his children are the same as most of Martin’s children and the ages are correct. Maurice Coleman married Mary Lucey 25 February 1873 according to these records is written as: Roman Catholic, Millstreet and Cullen, Cork, Ireland. The problem is, I can’t seem to connect Martin Coleman to Maurice Coleman at all. My theory is that Martin may have emigrated to the USA, while Maurice stayed behind.

        One more name also seems to have a connection and also might be a brother: John Patrick Coleman, b. 11 March 1835 in Cork. emigrated to America and died there. John’s father’s name was Daniel (1810-1889) and mother was Honora Murphy (d.1837). John married Bridget Walsh, who died in 1866, and then Hannah Spence. He had several children: Mary Agnes, Honora and Daniel (children of Bridget), then John D, David J, Bartholomew, Ellen C, Philip A, Robert S. Thomas M, Hannah J, Agnes Theresa, Martin Patrick, Margaret A, James W, and Josephine. The connection here is that My GGrandfather, Martin, had a child named Edward and Edward’s baptismal sponsor is HONORA COLEMAN. That may be a coincidence but worth exploring…
        If you have any information on that, I’d be so very grateful!
        I am so excited to maybe find some connection and my husband and I will try to visit your town this summer when we are there. Thank you again for your reply!

      2. Mary, I can’t thank you enough for your willingness to help me. I sent the information that I had but wanted to add my email address, I thought it might be easier to communicate that way. It is: <email>
        Carol Hirata

      3. Greetings, Mary
        I hope that I will not be considered a “pest” – however, I am SO anxious to know if you had been able to find anything about my Coleman family? (I sent you all the information that I know last month).
        As I mentioned previously, my husband and I will be in Cork this summer (late August) and, although we only have a full day, we are hoping to go to Millstreet to do some exploring. I was hoping to have some further information to aid this task before we get there. Many thanks for your willingness to help!
        Carol Hirata

        1. Hi Carol, I’m just seeing your new post and realized that I have Coleman relatives here in the United States who have done some research into their Coleman family and have actually traveled to Ireland. I can put you in touch with them if you like. Maybe something will match. Feel free to write to me at my email address and I can connect you that way. I will also tell my cousin about this millstreet site. They are cousins to me by marriage, so I am not a ‘real’ Coleman. I am a Nolan, Gavin, Crowley, Lucey.

          1. Hello, Mary.
            How kind of you to reply. This search is exciting and frustrating all at the same time. Thank you for taking the time to read my post, If you read the one where I listed the detailed information, you might notice that one of the gentlemen I am looking into, Maurice Coleman, Married a woman named Mary Lucey. I see your last name is Lucey… is that your married name? connection? Worth exploring! At any rate, I”d be pleased if you have your Coleman cousins contact me. My email is: <email>.
            Thank you so much! This means a lot to me.

    2. Carol, My Great Grandfather John Patrick O’Leary was born in Millstreet. I was able to visit in July 2013 and most likely will be returning this September. I am also researching my family tree. One site I like to check is

      There are a lot of Colemans buried in Ballyheada Cemetery, Killeagh Cemetery and Clonmeen North Cemetery. They all are in County Cork.

      I saw that Mary Hackett replied to your message. She is great. She has helped me with my research.

      Good luck

      Patrick O’Leary
      Louisville, Kentucky USA

      1. Thank you, Patrick! I am excited about the possibility of finding a piece of the puzzle and will try my best to get to Millstreet when we are in Ireland this summer.

  30. Hi i’m Agnes. Sorry if you my message isn’t too good. I am a 40 year old polish woman, looking for any job (cleaner ironing clean garden). I have experience and reference (i have cleaner but smool). I have car. My husband is living in Milstreet with 10 year. Husband is working here. Agnes 0899540837.

  31. Hi all,

    If anyone is interested, DNA testing might help you with your research. Family Finder is an autosomal DNA test which is available at Family Tree DNA ( Many people from NW Co. Cork have tested with this company. There more that do, the more likely we are to solve the family tree mysteries where the paper trails don’t exist or are not detailed enough. There are also yDNA surname projects which have peoplw with NW Co. Cork ancestry, in them. If anyone wants to discuss DNA testing which would help with your family history research, I would be happy to do so. I am a voluntary admin of three projects at Family Tree DNA including the Ireland yDNA Project and the O’Shea yDNA Project. Margaret Jordan, Cork, Ireland

      1. Hi Lisa,

        My email address is m.jordan246 at gmail dot com I hope this works as I know email addresses don’t work on this site.

        Margaret Jordan <email>

  32. Sympathy and Respect to the family of Karen Buckley from Mourne Abbey whose life was recently taken in Glasgow… Rest in Paradise young lady…….

  33. My great great grandmother, Ann Heirlihy, born to Daniel Heirlihy and Julia Murphy, was baptised on 9 February 1843 in Boherbue. She married John Mahoney/Mahony in London, England on 11 March 1866. I have details of Ann once she is in England, but nothing prior, other than the baptism. Would love to hear from any descendants.
    Julia in South Australia

  34. Hi all I am looking to rent a property for a wekend in June 5,6,7 for 6 adults and two kids if anyone out their has a property available please contact me on <email>.

    Many Thanks for your help.





    1. Hi Kathleen,

      My name is Margaret Jordan. A few years ago, I did some research into your family history for a member of your family in the USA. Also, I think you and I may related as I match a member of your family at 4th cousin from DNA testing. I would love to discuss this.

      On the Buckleys: Cornelius Buckley married Abigail Denahy in 1872 as per:
      This marriage record gives the parents of the couple. It also gives Aghina as the location for the Buckleys and they can be found in the 1901 and 1911 Census at Aghina. Abigail Buckley was from Cloughoula and her parents were Denis Denahy and Ellen Hickey. I think Cloughoula is Cloughoula Mor as the Denahys/Denehys were living at that townland as distinct from Cloughoula Beg (another townland) in the Millstreet area.

      My Hickeys were from Killowen townland and I believe that this is where our connection is. I would love to discuss this further. I live in Co. Cork and would love to meet up when you are here. Please contact me: <email>

      1. Hello Margaret! Not sure you are getting my emails, so here goes again. I will be in Cork on May 19, 20, and 21. Would love to meet up with you if you have the time.

  36. Hi. I am presently updating our family tree. The first draft left many missing data, one of which your forum might be able to resolve.

    My Great grand uncle Laurence O’Reilly (changed to Lawrence in U.S.Docs.) Married a Elizabeth Ann O’Shea.

    Elizabeth said she was from Millstreet. However in 1901 and 1911 she resided in, 30 Horgan’s Buildings and 31 Gurteenaspig, Bishopstown. In 1912 she emigrated to San francisco and subsequently married Laurence.

    Now the second part of the Puzzle is The Lavender Man, Anthony Barrett (Blind) was well known in San Francisco selling small packets of lavender from a booth for many years.

    I have his family in 1901 at House 7 Tullig (Drishane, Cork) At 1911 He /and sister Caterine had emigrated to U.S. Father William Died and rest of family moved in with brother John’s family at House 42 Tullig.

    The O’Reilly family and Anthony Barrett in San franscisco seems were inseparable I have many photos both in U.S.and in 1928 when he accompanied the family home to Dublin for a wedding.

    I am thinking she was a cousin of Anthony. When i get her Mothers maiden name that will be resolved. i.e.was Elizabeth’s Mother and Anthony’s mother ( Behan/Beehan) sisters?.

    Any local insight would be much appreciated.


    Sean O’Reilly

    1. Why do you think she is in Cork in 1901 and 1911 census?
      I think she is here in Minor Row, Millstreet in 1901
      and here still in 1911
      Antony’s brother John also lived in Minor Row in 1901
      Elizabeth’s father and brother John gave their occupation as Slater (or maybe Plasterers in 1901 in Bantry).
      Hopefully somebody might recognise this family. Mothers name Keneally (or Kennelly). I know the age is not correct, but it would not be the first time a woman lied about her age. Her baptism date is 7 Jan 1885

  37. Hello Mary, I have difficulty finding 1901 returns for Elizabeth’s Father and Brother John. (Elizabeth’s father and brother John gave their occupation as Slater (or maybe Plasterers in 1901 in Bantry).)

    Any idea where I am going wrong?

    Sorry and thanks for your patience.


  38. Thanks for that Mary. Looks like Eileen didn’t ask thier age or spelling of Tim!!

    I note my initial reply to you did not publish, anyway it was thanking you.

    Also Mary would you agree that its unlikely Elizabeth and Anthony are related as one is Mother nee Keneally and one nee Behan.
    I note that my first reply did not publish, my maths is terrible!!. Anyhow it was to thank you and also I also explained that to-day I spoke with Davy Barrett Millstreet, His brother Tony seems to have all the Barrett history including the Lavender Man Anthony, so Its wonderful and I am looking forward to speaking to him on Wednesday next.

    Best regards


  39. Can you tell me how to contact Father O’Byrne? He was my high school track coach at St Cecilia’s in Nebraska in the early 1970’s. I enjoyed reading about the jubilee and seeing all the pictures. Thank you. Gail Gauthier Bailey

  40. Thanks to Sean Radley and Mary Sullivan for the tour of the museum . We loved it.
    Kanturk Open Door Women’s Group

  41. Am keen on tracing my family history: Grandmother was Kathleen Radley, born around 1910/11 (not sure exact date), married Jeremiah Fitzpatrick (ex Kanturk, I think): they lived in Cobh. Both buried in Old Church Cemetary. Their son, Michael was my father. Would appreciate any info/pointers. Many thanks, Kathleen

  42. Hi – I am also trying to complete my family tree and my family are all from the Millstreet area. My great great grandfather was John Walsh (1895) married to Johanna Riordan. My great grandfather was Eugene Walsh (1829) married to Ellena (Ellen) Murphy. My Grandfather was Eugene Walsh (1877), married to Mary (Molly) Lehane. Any information shared would be much appreciated.

    1. P.S. Johanna Riordan and John Walsh are my great great grandparents.My great grandmother had a brother Eugene as well as Joghn. They were from the Rathmore area.

    2. Hello John- It seems we might be related. My E mail is also kathykelly777@gmail. Com. My Walsh family were from Rathmore too. My Great grandmother Honora was one of fourteen. I have alot of documents if your interested on both my Walsh and Murphy lines.Would be happy to help

    3. John Having trouble with your E mail address. Is it international as I am in New York. My other email address is <email>. I have documents I am trying to send- Kathleen

    4. John I have alot to send you document wise for your review. If we are related we have a big family!

  43. Hi John- My great grandmother was Hanora Walsh. She was one of fourteen from the area. My 3rd cousin Dan Murphy has done a lot of family research and documentation. He is the great grandson of Johanna Walsh who married Con. T. Murphy. Please feel free to contact me. When my grandfather immigrated he was sponsored by his Uncle John Walsh who went to Chicago. Sound familiar? My E- mail is kathykelly777@ Would be happy to share info!

  44. This is a brilliant website. My ancestors were timothy patrick o’mahoney born about 1880 and died about 1970, who married Mary ellen crotty 1882-1949, whose children were Patrick john O’Mahoney (1909 – 1992) and John James O’Mahoney (1911 – 1982) and we think there was a girl aswell. Timothy had a sister who married bridget who married a gerald goodall. If anyone knows anything about this o’mahoney family (particularly timothy ) i would love to hear from them.

  45. in the above message it is suppose to say ‘Timothy had a sister called bridget who married a gerald goodall.
    We think timothy o’mahoney was the village postman, he was also part of the royal horse artillery. John james came over to england in about 1925ish. We think that timothy and mary ellen and patrick also came to england and lived in london but we don’t know when.

  46. I discovered the fact that my grandmother appears as a 1-year old in the 1911 Census of Ireland. (She is listed as Katie Creedon in the link below).

    My question is there a way to find a specific house in a townland? My grandmother’s family was in house #3 in Ballyvouskill, which to us as little kids sounded like center of the universe.

    My grandmother, and her brother “Uncle Andy” and sister “Auntie Anna” (Andrew and Hannah on the 1911 Irish census) are all buried together in the Calvary Cemetery in Waltham Massachusetts, USA. My Mom and her sister would visit the cemetery every year to honor their parents, and I would go hen I lived “back East”. I was an alter boy in the funeral for Uncle Jack (Auntie Anna’s husband) who taught me how to grow tomatoes and control the tomoto pests.

    If I went to Millstreet, is there a way that I find a specific location in the Ballyvouskill townland?

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