The Moon and the planet Venus shining in the sky this evening over Clara Mountain and Millstreet – taken from St. Mary’s Graveyard. Near record high pressures have settled over Ireland giving us cloudless skies, but cool days and cold nights, as well as the chance to escape the confines of our homes for a short while to get some exercise, fresh air, and a little sunshine on our skin. [read more …] “The Moon and Venus over Millstreet”
Tag: The Moon
Recent Millstreet Winter Wonderland
September 2016 Moon over Millstreet Last Night

And a further view on quite a cool night! [read more …] “September 2016 Moon over Millstreet Last Night”
Harvest Moon Over Millstreet on Tuesday Night
Once in a Red Moon Over Millstreet!

Having reached total eclipse (almost total darkness) the moon over Mount Leader here in Millstreet returned to full brightness within the next two hours. An event even rarer than [read more …] “Once in a Red Moon Over Millstreet!”
Sunset & Moon from Dromtariffe
This evening’s sunset and moon pictured from Dromtariffe – by TMC Photography
It was a beautiful sunset, and it seemed like we already have a stretch in the evenings, but in reality we’ve only gained six minutes from the [read more …] “Sunset & Moon from Dromtariffe”