Lovely November sunshine on Sunday in Brosna saw the end of the wonderful journey our footballers have taken us on this year. A poor enough league campaign, had us wondering if we had a chance at Duhallow this year, and those first tentative steps against Cullen in April/May it was hard to see how the team would improve through the year, but they did, the expectation grew, and suddenly we were Duhallow Champions, then amid amazing scenes we were County Champions, and we had our sights on a Munster title … if only we could get past these Kerry lads. But it wasn’t to be as we were pushed aside by a strong, well organised Brosna team. We’ve all been on a high for the last few months. It’s been fantastic to follow the team. Thanks to all the players, team management, and everyone else that helped along the road, for an experience that some of us never thought we’d witness, and that the town hasn’t seen in fifty one years.

Match Reports:
Brosna hold a firm grip – Not for the first time this year Brosna’s defensive strategy proved the match for a talented [read more …] “The End of our Journey”