“Where the Road Takes Me” in Innishannon on C103 Sunday at 7pm

We thank Presenter, John Greene for advance information on this Sunday evening’s radio programme.  (S.R.)

It’s been a good year for the people and village of Innishannon.

Having won a bronze medal this year and last, the tidy towns committee celebrate fifty years of keeping the village bright, clean and beautiful.

Shortly, a book of guided walks around the village will be launched.

Having initially been launched as a once-off,  “Innishannon Candlelight”magazine celebrates thirty five years.

It’s fifty years since the Community Hall opened its doors and Alice Taylor has just launched a book which inspires its readers to value the here and now, rather than dwell on the past or future.  It’s advice that best- selling authors Eckhart Tolle or Anthony De Mello would give their stamp of approval to.

This week on Where the road takes me,  John Greene pays a visit to hear more about their good news. [read more …] ““Where the Road Takes Me” in Innishannon on C103 Sunday at 7pm”