Tag: Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Keys Found Before Christmas
Herlihys Deliver Service
Herlihy’s Centra will have a free deliveries service available 7 days a week for the foreseeable future, to help people that may be afraid to come out to pick up their groceries.
Pancake Tuesday 2020 at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Hearing Aid Found at Herlihy’s Centra on Friday
Farewell to Greg
The very best to Greg who has been the manager of Herlihy’s Centra at the West End for the last number of years, as he leaving today to work in Cork.
Deli and Shop Assistant Vacancies at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Job Vacancy at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Home Delivery Service from Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Christmas Jumper Fundraising Day on Friday at Centra
Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet Presents Superb Soccer Kit to MCS
This morning (Wednesday, 28th Nov. 2018) in the Library of Millstreet Community School – Kevin Herlihy of Herlihy’s Centra presented a superb set of Soccer Kit Sportswear to Millstreet Community School. Principal Pól Ó Síodhcháin accepted the very impressive set of jerseys and overall kit in the presence of members of Herlihy’s Centra Staff, Millstreet and three Students wearing the new outfit. Also present was John Magee, Chaplain at MCS. Here we share ten images from the wonderfully uplifting occasion on a morning which has been wet and windy. Thankfully the electricity was just restored following the stormy weather conditions before we pictorially recorded the occasion. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet Presents Superb Soccer Kit to MCS”
Joanna Wins Herlihy’s Centra Halloween Coloring Competition 2018
Sincere congratulations to Joanna O’Shea who was the winner of Herlihy’s Centra Halloween Coloring Competition 2018. We thank Greg for the splendid picture. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Hugely Successful Spinathon 2018 at Herlihy’s Centra on Friday in aid of Breakthrough Cancer Research
Herlihy’s Centra Annual School’s Out Party on Wednesday
We thank Greg for the Poster. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] “Herlihy’s Centra Annual School’s Out Party on Wednesday”
“Cups Against Cancer” at Herlihy’s Centra on Wednesday 18th Oct.
Herlihy’s Centra Charity Spinathon on this Friday
Centra’s Annual School’s Out Party on this Wednesday
“Bingo Special” at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Pancake Tuesday 2017 at Herlihy’s Centra Helping Cork Penny Dinners
Geraldine Wins Herlihy’s Centra St. Valentine’s Day Competition
St. Valentine’s Day and Fitness Project at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet
Herlihy’s Centra Christmas Jumper Day for Cork Simon This Friday
Christmas Carols Singing at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet Wednesday 10:30 a.m.
You are all invited to
Christmas Carol Singing
by Students from
Millstreet Community School Wednesday 14th December at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet at 10.30 a.m.
Everyone is welcome!
We thank Greg for this festive notice. (S.R.)