Tag: Health and Wellbeing
Health and Wellness Day in Millstreet GAA Hall
Health and Wellness Day in Millstreet GAA Hall
– Mindfulness, Tai Chi, Chi Kung classes
– Healthy snacks & juices
– Nutrition – The Foundation of Health
– Acupuncture – energetic therapy
– Aromatherapy – holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being.
FREE Admission. DONATIONS are welcomed In aid of Millstreet town New Playground [read more …] “Health and Wellness Day in Millstreet GAA Hall”
Mindful Self-Compassion for the Holidays
Upcoming Talk on Art Therapy
Hands for Life – Free Community CPR Training
Hands for Life – Free Community CPR Training – run by the Irish Heart Foundation will be held in Ballydaly Hall on, Tuesday, November 26th from 8pm – 9pm. Admission is free.
To book a place on the course please ring Peg (087)9268452 or Kathleen (087)2846906 before November 20th, as we need numbers for course to go ahead.
Topics covered include: what to do in an emergency e.g heart attack, cardiac arrest (compression/defibrillator) stroke, choking etc.
A defibrillator for public use is at Guerin’s Shop in Ballydaly
[read more …] “Hands for Life – Free Community CPR Training”
Fitness Class coming to Aubane Community Centre on this Thursday March 14th
Fitness Class coming to Aubane
Fitness/Exercise class with Fitness Instructor Kyrle starting in Aubane Community Centre on this Thursday 14th March for five weeks.It will finish on Thursday 11 April. Start Time 8.00pm – 9.00pm.
Payment of €40.00 on first night. Class open to Male & Female.
Please bring a towel,wear runners,bottle of water and exercise mat.
All welcome.
For futher Details contact John F Kelleher 086 1942161 or Noreen Kelleher 087 9486673
Very Interesting Dietitian Talk in Library on Thursday at 11am
BT Young Scientist Project on Psoriasis
What follows is an important message from one of the six groups of TY students from Millstreet Community School who have qualified for the BT Young Scientist Exhibition which will be held in Dublin in January 2019. They are hoping that you will be able to assist them. Thank you, in advance…
Our project has been selected for the BT Young Scientist competition, The title of the project is ” The effects of psoriasis on adolescent mental health in 2018″ As a teenager with the condition, the topic is of personal interest to a group member and we believe that the stress it causes is overlooked in its treatment. We are interested in finding how other young people deal with the condition and would appreciate if you could complete the below survey. Thank you. Hannah Keane and Ria Buckley.
Walking Workshop in Millstreet Library on 13th Nov. 2018 at 11:00 a.m.
Pilates with Aoife at The Loft, West End, Millstreet
Pilates @ The Loft -Millstreet
November schedule commencing next week:
Monday Mornings @ 10am
Tuesday & Wednesday Evenings
For further information see
Pilates by Aoife on Facebook
Or phone /text – 087 9634676
We thank Aoife for this notice. (S.R.)
Carriganima Fundraising Fun Run/Walk 2018
Millstreet Ambulance Service To Be Fully Restored
“Millstreet Community Council welcomes the result of the review carried out recently regarding the Millstreet Ambulance Service. Now, after six years, the Millstreet Ambulance Service is to be fully restored—which is indeed great news. Millstreet Community Council has been working behind the scenes with the H.S.E. on this very important issue.”
Noel Buckley (Chairman)
We thank Noel for this truly uplifting news and we congratulate Millstreet Community Council for having placed such vital focus on the all-important health issue. We all extend a heartfelt welcome back to the fully restored Millstreet Ambulance Service. (S.R.)
Health Promoting School Flag Awarded to Presentation N.S., Millstreet

[read more …] “Health Promoting School Flag Awarded to Presentation N.S., Millstreet”
Millstreet Presentation N.S. to Receive New Health Promotion Flag This Thursday
Zumba Fitness in Cullen Community Centre on Fridays
Wellness Day at Millstreet Country Park on Sunday 24th May
Sincere Heartfelt Thanks

Sincere Heartfelt Thanks
As I gradually recover from the heart related scenario which emerged on St. Patrick’s Day 2015…I have time to reflect on the hugely appreciated kindness which I’ve experienced since then. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to the many wonderful relations in Millstreet, Killarney, Dungarvan and beyond…to the many very genuine true Friends and Neighbours who have shown such practical assistance…to the many who have sent Mass Bouquets, Get Well Cards, Letters, Phone Calls, Texts and Emails…to the various Local Organisations…to the two marvellously gifted Surgeons in Limerick and Dublin with such healing hands and their dedicated teams…to the Priests for their prayerful assistance which in no small way led to the successful outcome relating to the significant heart procedure in Dublin … to my local GPs and to the Staffs of the School in which I had taught. A very special word of thanks to William & Ita Fitzgerald from Cullen for their splendid help during the challenging time….to Ita for so spontaneously arranging for William to drive me not only for the angiogram in Limerick but also to Dublin for the corrective procedure at a later point. As always, William was so superbly witty, humorous and so very supportive during such a new experience in my life. I am 64 since January and the words of the Beatles hit “When I’m 64” certainly took on a far more significant meaning in my life in the lines…“Will you still need me, will you still feed me when I’m 64?”… Thankfully the answers to both questions appear to be positive! The past fortnight has given me an [read more …] “Sincere Heartfelt Thanks”
Magnificent New “Outdoor Gym” in Preparation at Millstreet Town Park

This new development is so very welcome and is sure to be a winner with many in this age of health and fitness. The location for the different units was marked with a circle on the pathway. We share some more images from our witnessing of the excellent preparations on [read more …] “Magnificent New “Outdoor Gym” in Preparation at Millstreet Town Park”
Aloe Vera Launch Night at Bridge Bar Millstreet this Tuesday at 7pm
Asthma Clinic in Mulcahy’s Pharmacy from 11am-5pm on Thursday

The most recent statistics from the CSO indicate that 10% of people in Munster have asthma. This figure is almost double that in children under the age of 14 years, with 19% of children in Tipperary, Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick and Waterford suffering from the condition. Asthma is a serious condition which affects patients’ quality of life and can result in hospitalisation or, in the worst cases, death.
Attendees at the Asthma Clinic will have their asthma management reviewed, their inhaler technique checked and their lung function tested. Asthma Specialist Nurses will be on hand to answer questions and give expert advice during a confidential, one to one consultation. Topics covered on the day will include asthma advice for children and adults, allergy avoidance and what to do during an asthma attack.” Click on the Poster to enlarge. (S.R.)