With a fuller feature to follow later – we share four images from the wonderfully successful 25th Anniversary Class Reunion where participants reflected on their Post-Primary Education in Millstreet Community School from which they graduated some 25 years ago. The very happy and cheerful occasion was supremely organised by Jerry Kelleher and Brian O’Leary (members of the Class Reunion) supported by a truly dedicated Team and the splendid DJ was Mark Neville. The event on Saturday, 4th Nov. 2023 was held in the very welcoming Corkery’s Bar. A contribution of €30.00 was very kindly presented to Millstreet Museum. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.) [read more …] “Superbly Successful 25th Anniversary Class Reunion”
Tag: Class Reunion
Wonderfully Successful School Reunion 1971-1976 on Saturday Night
A very enjoyable School Reunion 1971-1976 took place at the Wallis Arms on Saturday, 12th Nov. 2016 in the presence of two of the former Teachers from Millstreet Community School – Marie Casey and Colman Culhane. Here we share a selection of images from the historic occasion. We thank the organisers for permitting us to take a number of pictures of the wonderful event. (S.R.)

Click on the various images to enlarge. And below we share some more pictures from the splendid occasion. (S.R.) [read more …] “Wonderfully Successful School Reunion 1971-1976 on Saturday Night”
Class Reunion at Wallis Arms Hotel on Sat. 12th Nov. 2016
Millstreet Community School Class of 1991 – 1996 Reunion at Green Glens on Saturday 24th Sept. 2016

Key Coordinators Linda and Niamh (pictured 4th and 2nd from left above) together with a very supportive Team organised the Reunion Celebration in such a wonderfully creative manner – tremendous credit is due on such a high level of dedicated preparation. We’ve lots more images to share in the follow-up feature but here’s one more for now. [read more …] “Millstreet Community School Class of 1991 – 1996 Reunion at Green Glens on Saturday 24th Sept. 2016”
Grand Class Reunion 1971-1976 on 12th Nov. 2016
Class Reunion
1971 – 1976
Calling all our former classmates….a Grand Reunion is being organised for Saturday November 12th 2016 in The Wallis Arms Hotel, Millstreet.
If you started Secondary School [The Tech, The Convent or Garrett’s] in 1971 – or joined us…….or left us at any stage up to Leaving Cert in 1976 we would be delighted to see you there.
Tickets are on a pre-booked basis and cost €35.00
This will include a Buffet dinner and music.
Please contact any of the people below for further details or to make a booking.
Eileen Martha Creedon 087 249 1089
Maura Twomey. 086 815 1974
Margaret Kiely. 087 741 2688
John O Sullivan. 086 4530 852
If anyone has any photographs from that time, we would love to get a copy.
We look forward to seeing you all on the night.
A Photograph of the Class will later be added to this feature. (S.R.)
Millstreet Community School Class of 1991-1996 Reunion
Class Reunion 1971 – 1976 Planned for Autumn 2016
Class Reunion
1971 – 1976
Calling all of our former classmates..a Grand Reunion is being planned for
Autumn 2016.
If you started Secondary School in 1971 – or joined us or left us at any
stage up to 1976 we would be delighted to see you there.
Currently we are compiling a list of phone numbers and email addresses so it
would be great if you would get in contact with one of the people below.
More details will follow.
Eileen Martha Creedon 087 249 1089
Maura Twomey. 086 815 1974
Margaret Kiely. 087 741 2688
John O Sullivan. 086 062 1269
Superb MCS Class Reunion 1985 – 2015 in Church & at Wallis Arms Hotel

During the special Mass four Class Members who have gone to their Eternal Reward were remembered with candles in their memory placed in front of the altar. The four for whom special prayers were said included Pat Broderick, Mary Buckley, Davy Murphy and Dermot Twomey. Let us now share some further images from the very memorable occasion in Millstreet which took place on Monday, 28th Dec. 2015. [read more …] “Superb MCS Class Reunion 1985 – 2015 in Church & at Wallis Arms Hotel”
Millstreet CS Thirty Years Reunion
Our Class of 1980 – 1985 (Leaving Cert) are celebrating 30 years anniversary this year. We would like to catch up with all our fellow pupils who began Millstreet Community School in 1980 and/or sat their Leaving Cert in 1985 and were a student with us in any of the years in between.
We have booked the Wallis Arms Hotel in Millstreet on Monday December 28th for this reunion.
We can be contacted:
- via email at: <email>
- by phone: Michael John 086 3494172 / Connie 087 2919713 / Nora 087 9081774, or
- at Millstreet CS Thirty Years Reunion on facebook
Over the next few weeks we will try and get in contact with as many past pupils us as we can.
[read more …] “Millstreet CS Thirty Years Reunion”
Millstreet Community School Class of 2004 Reunion

Calling all Millstreet Community School Class of 2004 – or anyone part of the class from 1998 – 2004.
A ten-year reunion will take place in Corkery’s Bar on Saturday, 4th of October. There will be music, food, lots of memories and the perfect chance to catch up with all those who you may have lost touch with over the last ten years.
If interested or for more information please contact Rebecca (087 9492965) or Norma (086 3567300) on or before Friday, September 26th.
Many thanks to Anne O’ Keeffe, Rathcoole, who designed this wonderful poster for the event.