Scoil Mhuire Boy’s National School – Book Collection

Scoil Mhuire Boy’s National School wish to give parents the opportunity to collect their child’s books from the school. Classrooms are being allocated separate days. Parents/children will not be able to enter school building. Please come to the front of the school, remain outside, and press buzzer. The teacher on duty that day will give out the child’s books either in a box or a clear plastic bag.

MONDAY 23rdMr. O Connor  9:20 to 3:00 pm
TUESDAY 24th – Mrs. Curtin  9:20 to 3:00 pm
WEDNESDAY 25th – Miss Buckley  9:20 to 3:00 pm
THURSDAY 26th – Miss Guerin 9:20 to 3:00 pm

We plan to start using Edmodo to distribute schoolwork from next Wednesday on. Your child will be allocated a code to access this by your class teacher. In the meantime there are many great educational websites out there, however the website scoilnet is a great place to get educational content. Our school e-mail is <> should you have any queries or difficulties. We hope you all stay safe at this time.
Frank O Connor and staff, Scoil Mhuire BNS.

Scoil Mhuire Boy’s National School [GMaps]

Presentation to Librarian Supreme Grace by Millstreet BNS Pupils

The Pupils and Staff of Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS presented a magnificent Bouquet of Flowers to Librarian Supreme, Grace Tangney in the Library on Friday, 28th Feb. 2020.   As we reflect on the wonderful dedication which Grace has so clearly demonstrated over the past three and a half years we extend our heartfelt thanks and very best wishes to Grace in her upcoming inspiring role at Mallow Library.   Today at 11:30 a.m. (Sat. 29th Feb.) Grace presents a wonderful story telling event on her final day as our superb Librarian in Millstreet Library.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) [read more …] “Presentation to Librarian Supreme Grace by Millstreet BNS Pupils”

Parents Association present Primary Schools with Proceeds of Fundraising

The Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association met with both primary schools today with the proceeds of fundraising efforts from the school year 2018/2019.

€1800 was presented to Frank O’Connor Principal Scoil Mhuire BNS. These funds have been used to purchase STEM equipment and materials and a portion was put towards the important purchase of a defibrillator. The defibrillator has been installed in the school yard of Scoil Mhuire BNS and will be operational shortly. Further communication to come on this.

€1800 was also presented to Joan O’Mahony Principal Presentation National School, seen here with Mrs Twomey’s 1st class pupils. These funds are allocated towards spending for this school year. Recent use of MPA funds has been purchase of Aistear materials and basketball equipment.

The MPA wish to thanks all parents and local businesses who support the many fundraising efforts throughout each school year.

Parents are invited to show their support at the upcoming AGM next Monday 14th Oct 8.30pm.

Sinead Corkery – Chairperson
Claire Twomey – Secretary
Denise Buckley – Treasurer

Millstreet B.N.S. in 1953 Located at Clara Road

We thank Seán Murphy (formerly of Mill View, Millstreet) for providing us with this wonderful picture which will evoke many special memories.  Seán also provides us with a list of the names that he knows in reference to the photograph.   The Principal Teacher, Patrick O’Doherty is present in the image.   In 1953 the location of Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS was on Clara Road opposite to the Presbytery.   Please make contact (in our comment section) or email <> if you can identify any further people in this truly historic and very interesting picture.  Many thanks to Seán’s nephew, Jason Murphy, for delivering the picture and name list to us.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Millstreet BNS 1953
List of 1953 names to BNS picture

Parent’s Association presentation to local primary schools

Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association fundraising efforts from this school year totalled €5,000, and it was divided equally and presented to Scoil Mhuire Boys National School and Presentation National School this week. A note of thanks to all parents, guardians, school staff and local sponsors who helped contribute to the fundraising efforts this year.

Class Visit to Millstreet Museum on Wednesday

We were delighted to welcome the pupils of 3rd and 4th Classes from Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet B.N.S. to Millstreet Museum on Wednesday, 20th June 2018.  Accompanied by their dedicated Teacher – Miss N. Buckley – the children asked the most interesting questions and shared inspiring thoughts during the visit.   Special thanks also to Myra (Assistant Curator) for helping to make the visit wonderfully successful.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Boys National School Move-a-thon

The Boys National School will be holding their annual fundraising Move-a-thon in the town park on Friday June 1st. Boys will be actively using the walkway and the pitch and will be fully supervised by teachers at all times. Courtesy and consideration will be shown at all times, to regular users of the Park.

Picture from the 2012 Move-a-thon

Full hall for primary school quiz

Millstreet Primary Schools Parents Association held their annual school quiz fundraiser on the Friday of the Easter holidays in Millstreet GAA Hall. The hall was packed with lots of tables from both the Millstreet schools as well as lots of tables from schools from the surrounding areas. Further details and photos on the Presentation N.S. website

Millstreet National School Parents’ Association Meeting

Millstreet National School Parents’ Association

will hold a meeting next Monday February 20th at 8.30pm,

which will be held in the Boys National School,

and princial Frank O’Connor will be joining.

Parents from both schools welcome as usual.

Hope to see you there.

Safely Monitor Your Child’s Internet Usage – Seminar at Presentation N.S. & Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet Boys’ N.S.

Mr. Gerard Brick will present this seminar on how you, as parents, can safely monitor your child’s internet usage and equip them with the knowledge and skills to tackle the issue of cyber-bullying.

Mr. Gerard Brick will speak to 2nd – 6th Class pupils of Presentation N.S. on February 24th @ 7pm and 2nd- 6th Class pupils of Scoil Mhuire on March 7th.

Even if you do not have a child attending either of these schools, we still extend a very warm welcome to all parents.

We thank Ciara for this important notice.  (S.R.)

Darragh called up to the Cork Footballers

A huge congratulations to Darragh Cashman from Boys NS Millstreet on being selected to play for Cork in the Primary Schools Games. He will either play in the Munster Football Semi-final v Clare or Limerick on Sunday June 14th or a possible Munster Final on Sunday July 5th. Well done Darragh. We are all very proud of you.2015-05-21 Darragh Cashman who has been chosen in the Cork NS football team to play at half time in the Cork v Limerick Munster Semi on June 14th