“Radio Treasures” Weekly Show is on air tonight (Tues. 21st Dec. 2021) on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to 11.30 (Irish Time). Feel most welcome to contact the Show on corkmusicstation@ gmail.com or on Text/WhatsApp 086 825 0074 or check out the Seán Radley Facebook. Happy Listening! We chat about a variety of topics and we listen to the very best songs and music and share some entertaining quotes! We remember our Faithful Departed. We listen to the wonderful voices of Boney M, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Doris Day …. and there’s more…much more and we chat about the images below accessed from our Museum Pictorial Archive. We include recent images from Drishane Road, Millstreet and from St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Tonight we focus on a splendid selection of Christmas Songs and Music featuring Bing Crosby and so many more. Tap on the images below to enlarge. (S.R.)
[read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Christmas Show This Tuesday on CMS from 9.30 to 11.30pm”
Day: December 21, 2021
Stokes & Co LLP
Dromtariffe U12 Ladies contributed to the Sanctuary Runners Race to the North Pole
Sanctuary Runners EVERYWHERE are taking up the challenge to virtually reach the North Pole by Christmas Eve!!
[read more …] “Dromtariffe U12 Ladies contributed to the Sanctuary Runners Race to the North Pole”
Eily’s Report – 21st December
Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde, and welcome to my weekly report.
December 21st. The shortest day of the year. From now on things can only be looking up, each day will have a few moments more, evenings will get get gradually brighter and as we plough our way through the pandemic a bright day makes everything seem better and it starts tomorrow. So chin up until next June when the longest day is the 21st will see the year slowly winding down again. The cycle of life and the very circle of life was brought back to me this week with the lovely response from Gerard Chambers proud son of Maureen (Murphy) whom I mentioned last week and how she followed in the footsteps of her lovely Mother Katty. How she continued the trend by singing in the choir of the adopted home town in the USA, thus completing another circle of a seed well sown. Many thanks Gerard for your welcome response.
Denis O Connor, Dromsicane – Acknowledgement and First Anniversary
Denis O Connor, Dromsicane
who passed away on 21st December 2020
On this the First Anniversary of Denis, dear father and loved Grandfather and Great Grandfather, we, his family would like to acknowledge the expressions of sympathy and kindness we received from everyone. A sincere thank you to all who sent condolences whether in person, phone, mass cards, condolences on RIP, floral tributes or who supported us in any other way during that difficult time. We thank our neighbours and everyone who lined the roads and streets on Dads last journey from Dromsicane to town and to all who made it to the graveyard.
A special word of thanks to Dr. Payne and the staff at the Woodbrook Family Practice in Newmarket, who looked after dad’s health so well over the years. To all the amazing staff of Araglen Nursing Home in Boherbue, for their kindness and compassionate care given to Dad in his last year. For all the extra hard work, care and window visits they undertook during this challenging pandemic. During the difficult long periods, when we were not able to visit dad, we were reassured by the care he was receiving.
Our sincere thanks to Fr. O Donnell, Sacristan Julie and Sharon for their organising, support and guidance in the funeral proceedings, and Sean Radley for recording the funeral mass. A special thank you too to Fr. Jack for his monthly visits, Denis would always look forward to you coming to Dromsicane. To Jerry Doody for singing beautifully at the church and singing one of Dad’s favourite songs ‘Danny Boy” at the graveside.
Our deepest gratitude also to Davy, Cora and staff of Tarrant’s Undertakers for their compassion, courtesy and professionalism.
The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Never more than a thought away, Loved and remembered every day. May He Rest In Peace