Millstreet Pictorial Updates – 9th October 2020

We share a selection of images reflecting recent updates in the Millstreet area.   Yesterday we featured a package delivered to Millstreet Museum.   Before we could reveal its content we had to make the local Gardaí aware of its content and to seek permission to share images of the historic item.   We can now reveal what we received from a very kind anonymous Donor who sent the following note:

Reflections from Millstreet’s Harry Clarke window. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
This Saturday is indeed a special date with its four zeros, two ones and two twos!  We thank Phil Sheehan for alerting us to this very special phenomenon. 

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Pictorial News Updates – 9th Oct. 2020

Superb feature by Alan Finn and Rosario Buckley in the “Vale Star”. Jimmy Reidy is such a true Gentleman and has contributed enormously to the real Culture of Ireland. We’ve all been blessed to have for decades listened to the magnificent C103 weekly Show “Round the Fireside” marvellously presented by Jimmy and his very welcoming Team including his wonderful wife Peggy at Freemount Heritage Centre. We’ve been privileged on a number of occasions to have been present for truly memorable recordings. In fact this coming Monday night at 10.00 pm (12th Oct. 2020) I believe that Millstreet features in one of Jimmy’s excellent archival programmes. Jimmy’s archive of hundreds of programmes over the decades is such a national treasure for generations to come. Congratulations to Jimmy on continuing to present quality radio every Monday night where the voice and music of various communities find a magnificent platform. Long may such great radio continue.   In the not-too-distant future we hope to record a telephone interview with Jimmy for “Radio Treasures” on CMS.  Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

This package arrived at Millstreet Museum on this Thursday (8th Oct. 2020). We shall later reveal its very interesting content. We thank the very kind anonymous Donor for this superbly packaged historic item and for going to the expense of posting the heavy package.
Wonderfully colourful Autumn 2020 has arrived in Millstreet Town Park.

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