A New Seat at the Cross on Clara Mountain!

We thank Michelle O’Keeffe of Dooneen for sharing this wonderful image of the New Seat which some kind person has placed at the Cross on Clara Mountain for the comfort of energetic climbers.  Tap on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Availing of the splendid new seat at the Cross on Clara Mountain – Michelle O’Keeffe and Mary O’Mahony with pet dogs Buster, Oreo and Milo!

And We’re Smiling … Beneath our Masks and Visors!

Masks and visors have clearly become part of everyday life in Millstreet and far beyond in protection from COVID-19.   We visit St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet where we meet two of the wonderfully dedicated Volunteers sanitising the seats after Mass and we also visit Café Aroma in Minor Row where social distancing measures are superbly in place.   Tap on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.) 

Sacristan Julie Brady and Nora Buckley smiling beneath their masks!
More wonderful smiles beneath their masks in Café Aroma.

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The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service

The Millstreet Meals on Wheels service is available for anyone who needs it. All food is prepared in Millstreet Day Centre & we operate the service 5 days a week. You can order a hot dinner for as many days as you like, delivered to your door from Mon-Fri for just €6 a day for the main meal & €2 for dessert.

A variety of meals are served throughout the week and the staff will endeavour to facilitate individual tastes when preparing meals. Please see our menu for next week below.

 If you or anyone you know would like to avail of the Meals on Wheels Service over the coming weeks please contact the kitchen on (029) 30998 or the office on (029) 70926 (please leave a message if no answer) or email <email>