Wordsworth – We’re Back !

To all our amazing Customers and Friends:

We are delighted to say we are BACK😊 (although our doors are unfortunately closed)

From Monday April 27th we will be offering a postage service and a FREE local delivery service. Where possible we would kindly ask customers to PLEASE EMAIL any enquires or orders to  <wordsworthmillstreet@hotmail.com>. Alternatively phone us on 029 70154.

For urgent office supplies for businesses or those of you working from home please contact us on 029 70154 and I can arrange to meet you at Wordsworth.

We will post photos etc on social media to help with this old fashioned online service 🙈.  Taking it day by day. Stay Safe. Love Niamh and all the Wordsworth gang xx. * T&C will apply for Free Delivery 🚚

A Very Happy Truly Wonderful 106th Birthday Julia Murphy

Sunday, 26th April 2020 is the very important date of the magnificent 106th Birthday of the truly wonderful Julia Murphy of Gortavehy in the parish of Millstreet.   To celebrate the superb occasion we look back at Julia’s 105th Birthday as celebrated in Millstreet Day Care Centre.   To dear Julia we extend our sincere best wishes on such a marvellous Birthday.  Every Blessing and Joy always as you inspire the world with your amazingly positive and uplifting spirit.   May you long continue to sing your great songs and enjoy the magical world of music.   On Tuesday’s “Radio Treasures” on Cork Music Station (28th April 2020) we shall pay a musical tribute to Julia.   Here we share some images from Julia’s 105th Birthday Celebrations.  (S.R.)A very special Happy Birthday to Julia Murphy who Celebrates a superb 106th Birthday today. Julia is a relation of Gary McSweeney who works in our store here in Mallow and Julie was always a loyal customer in our sister store at Herlihy’s Centra Millstreet.

Happy Birthday Julia from the Herlihys and all the Staff on this very special occasion.

Enjoy your day ❤️

And here we see Julia enjoying her 106th Birthday today in Killarney. We thank Herlihy’s Centra of Mallow and Millstreet for sharing this magnificent image on their Facebook Page.  Thanks also to Denis Hickey for alerting us to this outstanding feature by Herlihy’s Centra and the excellent image.  Tap on the picture to enlarge.  (S.R.)

[read more …] “A Very Happy Truly Wonderful 106th Birthday Julia Murphy”

“Where the Road Takes Me” Emphasises Positivity This Sunday on C103 at 7pm

We thank Presenter, John Greene for advance information regarding this Sunday evening’s programme on C103 at 7pm.  (S.R.)

The theme of this week’s edition of Where the road takes is positivity – a vital component of getting through these difficult times brought upon us by Covid-19.

John Greene has invited past contributors to the programme to give their personal observations on the virus and how it has effected their area.  It is mandatory for all the contributors that their words are positive and of a helpful nature.

A politician, a nun, a publican, a poet, a farmer and a parish priest have their say on how we can emerge from this pandemic mentally intact and with a new and positive outlook on life.

Architecture critic with the Financial Times, Edwin Heathcote returns to tell us how he got into hot water with one of his suggestions on working from home. [read more …] ““Where the Road Takes Me” Emphasises Positivity This Sunday on C103 at 7pm”

Mass Broadcasts Schedule This Week on Cork Music Station

Schedule of Radio Broadcasts of Masses from St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet with Celebrant Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P. on Cork Music Station  This Week 

Mass on Sunday, 26th April 2020 at 11.30 am  for Fr. Liam Comer P.P. Ardfert & Dromtariffe.

Mass on Monday (27th) for Kit, Denny & John Desmond, Liscahane at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (29th) for Arthur & Kitty Moynihan, Flintfield at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Thursday (30th)  (Private Intention) at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (1st May)  (Private Intentions) at 10.00a.m.

To make contact with Cork Music Station :

Email corkmusicstation @gmail.com

A Few Beautiful Photographic Moments from a Spring Easter Garden by Fr. James McSweeney

A few beautiful Photographic moments from a Spring Easter Garden by Fr. James McSweeney.   We encourage you to check out this truly magnificent video of exquisite colour of nature with wonderfully relaxing background music.    Thank you for sharing, Fr. James.  (S.R.)

“With so many negative stories circulating during this Covid-19 pandemic, it is so important to balance some of these out with positive moments too. There is no better place to gather these positive and uplifting moments than from my garden which bursts with life and colour at the moment. Music is used with permission from Photodex 2020 (Pro Show Gold) and the piece used in this video clip is Romantic Guitar and Piano.psa   More photographs can be seen on my webpage www.2u.ie” says Fr. James.

All Photographs by Fr. James McSweeney