AGM of Millstreet & District Housing Association

The AGM of Millstreet & District Housing Association (Millstreet Day Centre) will take place on Wednesday 11th December @ 7.30pm in the Day Centre. Local Support in attendance would be very much appreciated. We are trying to encourage more volunteers to get involved with the Centre so come along to the AGM to learn more!

Playground Donation Thank You

Millstreet Town Park Committee wish to express their sincere gratitude and thank Jerry Casey  of  Casey  Construction  for a significant donation to the Playground Project.  Come on Millstreet entrepreneurs and show your local business spirit like Casey Construction!  TO DONATE:   If you are in business locally or just like swings and slides and wish to make a donation you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account

(3) send a cheque payable to ” Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FAS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet

If you wish to confirm your donation we would be delighted to hear from you at  (

[read more …] “Playground Donation Thank You”

Christmas Turkeys

Hi all, it’s that time of year again and we must all turn our minds to the festive season. The festive season of course wouldn’t be the same without a delicious turkey for the dinner table on Christmas day! I rear traditional bronze turkeys in the millstreet area. 100% Irish, oven ready for the big day you can have the option to also have them boned and rolled to make the day that bit easier! For more information or to place an order please contact me Sean on 0857847879 I’d be delighted to hear from you!