Day: June 25, 2019
“Radio Treasures” Meets Declan and Michael at Bumbleance Event
Our 10pm interview tonight introduces us to Declan Ryan and to Michael Linehan at the recent Bumbleance event. And we visit our audio archives for some very special gems. All this and much more tonight on Cork Music Station during which we listen to a wonderful selection of the hugely popular songs of Jim Reeves. Also in tonight’s “Radio Treasures” we include musings, music and songs galore. Listen to the magnificent music of Kevin McDermott of Wexford. And we chat about the many happening illustrated below. Click on the images to enlarge.

Feel most welcome to make contact by logging into our “Seán Radley” Facebook chat page or by texting. One may also email us on <millstreetmuseum@eircom.net> – Happy Listening! Click on the image to enlarge. Click here to tune into tonight’s Show from 9:30 to 11:00pm. (S.R.) [read more …] ““Radio Treasures” Meets Declan and Michael at Bumbleance Event”
Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club weekly notes
The Fermoy Cycling Club Hennessy League continues every Tuesday night – thanks to all the parents who have helped out lately with the weekly commute. After 5 weeks of racing , roughly the half way point in the league have a number of members well positioned on the league tables. We have racers in all age groups weekly from Under 12 right up to the scratch race. This is a great environment for juveniles to learn the skills of road racing on a regular basis.
A busy weekend for the juveniles with Amy Fleming racing in Lisburn, Denis O Connor and Dan Murphy racing in “biblical conditions” in Minane Bridge. The non-racing juveniles completed the 80 km option of the Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club Sportive on Saturday last.
Congratulations to Ben Murphy who following a tough weekend of selection races on the hills of Kerry made the six man Irish Under 16 Team for the 5 day Austria Youth Race in August.
The focus now switches to the Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club Sportive in memory of Willie Reen and Paud O’Leary which is on 30th June next with three routes to choose from. The cycle will start at 9 am from Teach Íosagáin Rathmore. Ideal last week preparation for the Ring of Kerry.
Well done to all the club members who supported the Pedal the Peninsula charity cycle based around Dingle last Sunday.
Training for both Juveniles and Adults continues this week.
New Bowls Club Starting
A new bowls club is starting up in Millstreet
It is to be called the Millstreet Bowls Club in the Wallis Arms Hotel every Wenesday morning, 10.30am to 1.30pm. if you are a member of the Millstreet Active Retired OR Millstreet Men’s Shed please come along from 10am to 1pm all welcome. 😀 [f]
Eily’s Report – 25th June
Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a chairde, and welcome to my report.
The lashing rain all day on Sunday put paid to lots of well planned outdoor events. For the first time in many many years our Corpus Christi Procession had to be cancelled on Sunday. But to avoid disappointment, Canon John adopted Plan B. At the last minute and when he had finished the 11.30 Mass he dressed himself in the heavy brocade vestments and exposed the Blessed Sacrament for Benediction. The First Holy Communion Children who were dressed up for the procession through the town went in formation within the church led by Canon John carrying the Blessed Sacrament . The quick thinking of the organist & choir provided the customary hymns. Following the blessing our pastor recited the Blessed be God prayer and the choir brought the Benediction to an end with their rendering of Tantum Ergo. Everybody agreed that it was a beautiful inpromtu ceremony. Baoichas le Dia.
The Church Choir is now off for the Summer.
3 Ball Scramble
There’s a 3-ball scramble at Millstreet Pitch and Putt this evening (Tuesday June 25th).