Wednesday night (13th December) the Millstreet Community Council presented a cheque contributing towards the cost for the Millstreet Christmas Lights Committee. Held in the Wallis Arms and photographed by Justin Black, Justborn Photography, Millstreet
Day: December 15, 2017
Christmas Hamper Presentation
Duhallow Today Competition Draw
Duhallow Today’s December 2017 winners have been drawn. Thank you for the great response we received. The winners will be published in our January 2018 edition so look out for your copy on the 2nd January.
Many thanks to Mary Coleman (from Colemans Centra, Millstreet) who was kind enough to help us with drawing the winners. She’s seen here with Niall and Justin from Duhallow Today.
The winners received some excellent prizes, for the Kids Corner colouring page we gave away a €40 hamper sponsored by Colemans Centra Millstreet…
and for the Christmas quiz the winner received a gift hamper worth €70.00 which was kindly sponsored by Herliy’s Centra Millstreet.
Look out for and enter our upcoming competitions for a chance to win great prizes.
Award for Annmarie

The Final Presentation from Dromtarriffe Cope after 48 Years
The final presentation from Dromtarriffe Cope fundraisers. A group of local ladies has been fundraising for Cope foundation for the last 48 years and have finally called it a day, with no one to take over the mammoth task the ladies made their final presentation to Joanne Higgins fundraising director for the Cope foundation,well done ladies. – with thanks to John Mullane for this post