People You Should Know in Gwangju…John Howard

Kilcorney native John Howard has spent the last five years in South Korea. He lives, works and plays in Gwangju, a city of 1.5 million people in South West of the country. He’s interviewed this week on the Gwangju Blog as one of the “People You Should Know in Gwangju”:

Name…John Howard
Occupation…Elementary School English teacher
Hometown…Kilcorney, North County Cork, Ireland (current population 406 approx.)
Length of time in Korea…Arrived Sunday, March 4th, 2012 so MY GOD coming up on 5 years in Korea now! :-O
My hometown is famous for…having the oldest primary school in Ireland still in operation (built in 1864!) Also, Kilcorney has a higher presence of sióga/fairies than other villages in Ireland. They roam the moors at night… but I’m not supposed to talk about them…
I wish I couldRead the full interviewon the Gwangju Blog

Pictorial News on 3rd March 2017 in Millstreet & Boherbue

Delighted with the seven Kentucky Derby spot prize gifts kindly sent by Patrick W. O’Leary of Louisville, Kentucky, USA for tonight’s fundraising quiz at the Wallis Arms Hotel (3/3/2017) – from left: John Magee (Chaplain at MCS) and Students Úna Buckley and Dervla Murphy. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

The Healy Family of Brussels and Washington DC tracing roots at Adrivale on Thursday and delighted to meet with Tony Healy of Curracahill, Millstreet.

Frances Curtin (holding discs) pictured with just some of the very many attendees in the Music Room, Boherbue where she presented a truly superb musical programme on Thursday, 2nd March 2017.  Also present is CUH Radio Presenter (6th from left) Philip Brennan who will be presenting his Gramophone Circle programme in Macroom Library on Friday, 10th March at 11:00 a.m..

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