Saints on Church Windows in St. Patrick’s Church Millstreet – Seeking Information

We have recently been asked by a number of people a query regarding two of our beautiful windows in St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.  Below we illustrate both windows.  The first one has the SC indication and SD in the lower image on the same window.   We welcome your suggestions re the identity of these Saints.    The second window is the very large one behind where the Choir used to sing in the Church Gallery.   Who is the Saint praying to the Lord?  We would be very grateful of any assistance in these queries.  Please use our Comment facility here or email millstreetmuseum …. Saints in most of the magnificent stained glass windows have been identified but these two windows are still the subject of research regarding the identity of the Saints depicted on the windows. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)


The answer was provided in a later post, but is included below for clarity:

“What a truly wonderful response we’re received regarding our query just posted on our website last night!  And we are so very grateful to Jerry Sheehan of Los Angeles, California, USA who has identified the Saints on both windows of St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet.  The letters SC and SD provide an important clue – the “S” on all the windows symbolises the word “Saint”.  Jerry now reveals that the Saint on the large window at the back of the Choir Gallery is Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque.  And the Saint on the other window is Saint Charles Borremo while the Saint depicted in the smaller frame of the same window is Saint Dominic.  Thanks a million, Jerry, for so very promptly contacting our Millstreet Museum email address with such highly significant information.  (S.R.)” [1]




Geraldine Wins Herlihy’s Centra St. Valentine’s Day Competition

Well done to Geraldine Curtin who is the winner of Herlihy’s Centra St. Valentine’s Day competition! Here we note Greg presenting the €50.00 prize towards a
romantic dinner in Killarney.  We congratulate Geraldine and we thank Greg for the update and image.  Click on the picture to enlarge. (S.R.)

Visitor from Florida U.S.A. to Visit Millstreet

The following message was recently received from Becky Mantle Starks of Florida USA.  (S.R.)

Hello !   I plan to be in Millstreet in late March, likely March 30 and 31.
my goal is to find more information about my grandfather Thomas Bartholomew Mantle b. County Cork 1820, d. Kentucky USA 1903
and/or his likely father Thomas C. Mantle b. 1799 in Cork.

I have found a Thomas Mantle in the Tithe Applotment
Books, 1823-1837. he is listed several times.

I have also found a Thomas Mantle as a butcher in Millstreet, along with a
possible brother, Joseph Mantle in Slater’s Directory

Would there likely be additional information on him anywhere
in the Millstreet area ?

before arriving in Millstreet, I will have visited the various
repositories in Dublin, but with limited time constraints. any tips
you have for searching there would be appreciated.

Is there anyone you might recommend to guide me in finding more
information about my family in Milstreet ?

I am also sending this via the messenger contact to

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Kindest regards,
Becky Mantle Starks
Florida, U.S.

Millstreet Country Park will not Reopen for the 2017 Season

Millstreet Country Park will not reopen for the 2017 season. The decision was taken due to insufficient tourism numbers over the past several years.

A review of all aspects of the 500-acre development, including an open discussion with interested parties, will take place in 2017 with the intention of creating a sustainable future for Millstreet Country Park.

Water Flag Mission at Derrinagree N.S. – Superb Third Green Flag!

We thank Pam Thornton (Teacher/Project Coordinator) for the following article and images.  (S.R.)

Put a STOP to the DROPs!’  is the new Green Code for Derinagree in their quest to save water. This code was chosen by Ms. Kiely’s Rang 3&4. The entire school has been busy conserving water.


  • Read the water meter weekly
  • check that taps are turned off properly
  • report leaks to our caretaker John
  • use a basin in the sink when washing up
  • inserted a (water filled)1L milk carton into each cistern to save 1 L for every flush.

We also invited 2 speakers who are experts on conserving water.
Berne Connolly from the Cork Environmental Forum explained how little water in the world is safe for drinking! When we discovered that it was 1% we realised what a precious resource water is!  She also showed us how much water is ‘hidden’ in the products we buy e.g. meat, clothes etc. She encouraged us to grow our own food.

Stephanie O’ Toole (from STREAMSCAPES) shared with us the dangerous world of MICRO BEADS! These are tiny plastic particles commonly used in shampoos & toothpaste to improve cleansing power. However we soon realised the terrible harm these pieces of plastic were to the fish.

You can download an app called ‘Beat the Microbead’. Use this app to scan products for these microplastic ingredients! You can then choose to buy a product that does not harm aquatic life.

As a result of these inspirational guests, the senior classes made their own GREEN CLEANING product with vinegar, breadsoda & lemon juice!

Leaky Detectives are now on the prowl to STOP that DROP, as are the Energy Squad whose job it is to switch off lights & shut doors. Our WASTE WATCHERS (no….they’re not in Cullen on Monday nights!) have hardly any work to do according to the children as they now have the hang of keeping our yard & classrooms litter free! Well done! [read more …] “Water Flag Mission at Derrinagree N.S. – Superb Third Green Flag!”