We’ll stay here all night dear

RIP Sir Terry Wogan who passed away today aged 77 following a short illness. “We’ll stay here all night dear” was his famous quote as he commentated for the BBC on the Eurovision in Millstreet, as the organisers tried to get in contact with the last decisive jury from Malta, as the UK and Ireland battled it out for the win. Watch the last moments of the voting below:

[read more …] “We’ll stay here all night dear”

Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club


Thinking of taking up cycling?


Cycling for a while and would like to meet likeminded people?

We will be running a six week beginner/starter program.

Date –  Sunday 14th February

Time –9.30 a.m.

Venue – Teach Iosagain, Rathmore

Contact –  0877023562

 or email <email>

The first session will be indoors and won’t be weather dependent.

Don’t forget to bring your bicycle!!

Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club

1000 (39)

 Jesteś zapalonym rowerzysta I chciałbyś nawiazać znajomosci z ludzmi o podobnych zainteresowaniach?

A może dopiero rozpoczynasz swoja przygodę z rowerem.

Dolacz do nas aby poznać innych roweromaniakòw, wymienić sie doświadczeniami i wspòlnie spędzić czas.

Zapraszamy na 6 tygodniowy program dla poczatkujacych.

Info poniżej:

Data – Niedziela 14 lutego

Czas – 9.30

Lokalizacja -Teach Iosagain, Rathmore

Kontakt –  0877023562

 Lub email <email>

Pierwsze zajecia odbeda sie pod dachem.

Nie zapomnijcie roweròw!