Christmas 2015 Visitors to Millstreet

The Two Derrys!  On right is Derry O'Leary from Toorbonia, Millstreet pictured recently with his nephew Derry Sheehan from Australia while below we met with Aidan McCaul with his Grandson from Cork.  Over the Christmas 2015 period many people with Millstreet roots visited the area.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
The Two Derrys! On right is Derry O’Leary from Toorbonia, Millstreet pictured recently with his nephew Derry Sheehan from Australia while below we met with Aidan McCaul with his Grandson Eoin from Cork. Over the Christmas 2015 period many people with Millstreet roots visited the area. Click on the images to enlarge (S.R.)

3Christmas 2015 Visitors to Millstreet -6002Christmas 2015 Visitors to Millstreet -600Above – from left: Phil, Derry and Joan with the Millstreet Parish Church Calendar. [read more …] “Christmas 2015 Visitors to Millstreet”

Celebrating 21 Years of the Magnificent Millstreet Day Care Centre

How truly blessed we are here in Millstreet to have such a magnificent Day Care Centre for the past 21 years. The 21st Anniversary was recently celebrated in the presence of its Coordinators, Residents and Guests at the wonderfully welcoming Centre. Delighted to note that plans for extension are presently being envisaged. Support for Millstreet Day Care Centre is greatly encouraged. Every success to All throughout 2016. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
How truly blessed we are here in Millstreet to have such a magnificent Day Care Centre for the past 21 years. The 21st Anniversary was recently celebrated in the presence of its Coordinators, Residents and Guests at the wonderfully welcoming Centre. Delighted to note that plans for extension are presently being envisaged. Support for Millstreet Day Care Centre is greatly encouraged. Every success to All throughout 2016. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)

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