In the last 2 years, we in EPS Group in collaboration with SEAI ( Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) have provided substantial funding to Communities and Voluntary organisations around Ireland. Locally in Millstreet town, the secondary school received new boilers and the Millstreet Creche received a new boiler, insulation & lighting upgrades to the value of €70,000 approx. Our aim is to do more of this nationally and to assist in making our communities more sustainable in the future. In the Duhallow area over €250,000 of financial support has been given out by us to worthy groups.
See below poster on exact values.
People can vote with as many emails as you like and include the following steps.
Steps to Vote:
- Click on the Link below
- Vote EPS #1 and select #2/#3 Votes
- Enter your Email
- You will be sent a confirmation email then so simply click on the link to confirm
Kind Regards,
Declan O Riordan
EPS Group Energy Manager
IMPORTANT: In order to complete the voting process, you will receive an email after voting asking you to click on a link to verify your email address. Please do not forget to click on this link as your vote will not be counted otherwise. Thank you.