Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Time | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 |
10am | Arrive | Arrive | Arrive |
10.10am | Stone Circle | Crannog | Fullacht Fia |
11am | Duck Race | Scavenger Hunt | Nature Colour Code |
11.30am | Letter Hunt | Obstacle Course | Sensory Garden Game |
12pm | Lunch (Ham or Cheese Sandwich and unlimited Juice + Treat) | Lunch (Ham or cheese sandwich with unlimited juice + Treat + flower ice cubes) | Lunch (Chicken Nuggets and chips with unlimited juice and edible arts and crafts cookies) |
12.30pm | Collect Edible Flowers to make Ice Cubes | Clay Habitat Animals | Pond Dipping |
1pm | Mont Des Art and Deer | Mini Beast Hunt | Orienteering |
1.30pm | Park Rover / Butterfly Walk in Meadow | Egg and Spoon Race | Decorate Pots and Pot up Pollinator Friendly plants to take home |
2pm | Edible Arts and Crafts(Cookies Cut out in shapes of animals and leaves) | Edible Arts and Crafts (Cookies get iced) | Duck Race / Park Rover |
2.30pm | Eco Web Game | Nature Table | Certificate Ceremony and hand out goody bags |
3pm | Depart | Depart | Depart |
The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
7th June, 2015
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. Donal Cowman, Drishane Road
Sunday 7th June:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Maura & Sean O’Leary, Cork
Cullen 10.15 a.m. Phyllis O’Connor, Lissnashershane
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Kate Doody, Ploverfield
Anniversaries: Catherine Kelleher, Mill Road; Jerh Twomey, Murphy’s Terrace; Ellen O’Donnell, Liscahane; Angela & Stella Pomeroy, Willowbrook; Dan Kelleher, Gneeves; Ciss Murphy, Tanyard; Denny Kelleher, Minor Row; Tom & Madge Gubbins, Minor Row; Dermot Murphy, Clara Road; Jack Riordan, Claramore; John Graham, Coolikerane; Sean O’Connor, Kippagh; Dan Buckley, Cahirbarnagh; John Dennehy, Two Gneeves; Denis Dwyer & Kathleen Lawton, Cork; Kathleen Long, Rylane. [read more …] “Millstreet Parish Newsletter for Weekend 6/7 June 2015”