Death Notice: Kathleen Murphy (née Kelleher, formerly of Minor Row)

2015 Kathleen Murphy (née Kelleher, formerly of Minor Row)-600MURPHY (Bishopstown and Millstreet, Co. Cork.) On January 16th 2015, peacefully at the Bon Secours Hospital, Cork surrounded by her loving family. KATHLEEN (née Kelleher) Woodbrook Avenue and late of Minor Row. Beloved wife of the late Eddie and loving mother of Lisa, Noreen and Katherine and dear sister of the late Mary, Monica, Denis (Toots) and John. Sadly missed by her loving daughters, son-in-law Diarmuid, grandchildren Daniel and Emma, sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, relatives and a large circle of friends.

Lying in repose at the Wilton Funeral Home, Sarsfield Road of Jerh.O’Connor Ltd. Removal at 6.00pm on Monday evening to the Church of The Real Presence, Curraheen Road. Requiem Mass at 12.00 noon on Tuesday. Funeral afterwards to St. James’ Cemetery, Chetwynd. Family flowers only. Donation in lieu to Marymount Hospice.

Parish Newsletter – 18th January 2015

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – 18th January, 2015
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043/Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: May Kennelly, Killarney Road; Joan Duggan, West End; David Newton, London.
[read more …] “Parish Newsletter – 18th January 2015”

Con’s Wonderfully Entertaining Gramophone Presentation

Pictured at centre, Con Kelleher of Cloghoulabeg gave a most entertaining presentation in Millstreet Day Care Centre at Millstreet Gramphone Circle on Friday, 16th January.  Despite the challenging weather conditions there was a large attendance that truly enjoyed not only the marvellous musical selection but Con's very witty and comprehensive introductions.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Pictured at centre, Con Kelleher of Cloghoulabeg gave a most entertaining presentation in Millstreet Day Care Centre at Millstreet Gramophone Circle on Friday, 16th January. Despite the challenging weather conditions there was a large attendance that truly enjoyed not only the marvellous musical selection but Con’s very witty and comprehensive introductions.  Joe Kennelly of Millstreet and Ballincollig will give our next Gramophone Presentation on Friday, 20th February 2015 at 8.15pm in the same venue.  Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)

3Millstreet Gramophone Circle 16th Jan. 2015  -800We have now introduced a new free texting alert service.  If you wish to be included in this (so as to receive a monthly text in advance of each presentation) please get in touch for inclusion in our [read more …] “Con’s Wonderfully Entertaining Gramophone Presentation”

Interested in Joining Millstreet Pipe Band ?

Millstreet Pipe Band will commence classeses on Friday 23rd January for new & returning members. And also that if anyone is interested in joining / returning later in the year they would be more than welcome. The band mobile number is (086) 8966163.
*New*: Check out the Pipe Band’s new Facebook Page
Click on the poster below to see it in full size

2015-01-17 Invitation to join Millstreet Pipe Band - poster