Millstreet Pipe Band Members Pay Tribute to the late Con Tarrant

Millstreet Pipe Band were among those who formed a special Guard of Honour in Banteer tonight in tribute to the late Con Tarrant, R.I.P..  The Band will ring out the year at The Square, Millstreet on Wednesday, 31st Dec. at 8pm.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Millstreet Pipe Band were among those who at the Funeral of a very highly regarded and popular member of the Band, formed a special Guard of Honour in Banteer tonight in tribute to the late Con Tarrant, R.I.P..The Band will ring out the year at The Square, Millstreet on Wednesday, 31st Dec. at 8pm. Click on the images to enlarge.   (S.R.)


Click on the image to enlarge.  (S.R.)
Con Tarrant in the 1970s leading Millstreet Pipe Band down West End, Millstreet with Clara Mountain in the background.   (S.R.)


Founding officer of Millstreet Pipe Band passes away – Associated with a number of organisations over the years, Con’s gentle and affable presence won many friends. A native of Millstreet, he figured promimently with the local Pipe Band for many years…