A Milestone Is Marked Today at Millstreet Museum

Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1171 from Millstreet. Fondest Greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this rather wet but mild Tuesday morning.
The spell of beautiful warm weather put new life in every one and everything. People came out in brightly coloured summer clothes that have remained at the back of the wardrobe for over two years. One little child of five that I know of went without socks for the first time in her life.The mood of the people changed ,and everybody had a cheerful word and time to stop for a chat, a far cry from the months and years of rushing for shelter from the wind, rain and the cold.
The outdoor Masses at our cemetries,Drishane and St Mary’s during the week were a joy to attend to name but a couple of our outdoor events.
On the land farmers were in a frienzy to get the silage done, and
in late evenings our mountain tops were a blaze of car head lights as people went to save the turf after their days work. Let us hope that this break, which is nessessery also, will be a brief one and that we can return again to glorious sunshine. Le conamh De.
[read more …] “Regional Report 1171 – 11th June 2013”