Death Notice: Michael O’Sullivan, Cullen

The death has occurred on Thursday, November 22, 2012 of Michael O’Sullivan of Ard Na Geeha, Cullen. Peacefully. Reposing on Thursday evening from 9pm at the home of his nephew, Tom Ducey, Rathcoole. Reposing on Friday evening from 6pm to 8pm at Tarrents Funeral Home, Millstreet followed by removal to the Church of the Nativity, Cullen. Requiem Mass on Saturday at 11am followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery.

Humphrey And Paddy Den’s Donkey

One of the last if not the last donkey derby to be held in the Town park in Millstreet
In the late fifties when young bare back jockeys for glory on their mounts did compete
When donkey racing was popular in Ireland at Autumn carnivals in every country town
Back then to ride the winner of a Donkey Derby transcended one to above local renown

Hopes of a Millstreet win depended on a young teenager who at gaelic football would know of greater fame
From the nearby Tanyard tall and sturdy Humphrey Kelleher his was to become a very famous name
Riding Paddy Den’s black stallion donkey a powerful beast with a mind of his own
One who often kicked and bucked and threw his rider for such behaviour he had become known [read more …] “Humphrey And Paddy Den’s Donkey”