The General Public are very Welcome to come along to the Start of the Tractor Run which will take place Tomorrow Sunday at The Wallis Arms Hotelto have a look close up at the Tractors before they leave the Hotel at 12.30pm and you can call in for a Cup of Tea and a Chat as well if you wish from 11 am onwards,any Support would be very much appreciated for both the Millstreet Museum and Millstreet Website.
Millstreet Vintage Club are holding a Tractor Run on Tomorrow Sunday May 8th Starting and Finishing in Millstreet Town,a Scenic Route is Planned to go in a direction West of the Town,the Run is in Aid of both Millstreet Museum and The Millstreet Website which are two very important Services to both the Millstreet Locality and the Wider Surrounding Area.
Sign On for The Tractor Run will be at the Wallis Arms Hotel Millstreet from 11am with Take Off at 12.30pm,Entry Fee is €20 and all Tractors are very Welcome,There will be a Perpetual Trophy for the Best Vintage Tractor on the day and your Support would be very Welcome,for Details Contact Dan O’Riordan on 087 2452569
I was wondering if someone might please be able to help me?
My name is Helen Sagan and I live in Australia. I understand it is not your job to do family history research for anyone who might happen to ask, but I am looking for some very specific local history information regarding the Rockite movement of 1822 and I thought you might best be able to assist or direct me.
I am researching my husbands Walsh family tree, on the Kerry side of the Blackwater, in-fact I visited your library back in 2011 and spent many pleasant hours looking through the Casey Collection.
At present I am investigating two brothers Healy, Tadj(Timothy?) and Liam(William?) that were executed on 10th August 1822 (along with 3 others) and have their names inscribed upon a monument erected at Shinnagh Cross, Rathmore. I believe these brothers to be my husband’s Uncles and would sincerely love more information on them.
Most recently I discovered the Duchas School books (a truly marvellous & enlightening collection!) which introduced me to tales of old local people during the 1930’s, recalling stories their grandparents would have told them, some about the Whiteboy uprising and precisely the 1822 murder of William Brereton and the subsequent events that resulted in and around Rathmore.
As part of an all-island celebration of arts, heritage and culture, Culture Night 2019 will take place on Friday September 20th in the Square in Millstreet. Millstreet Community Council is inviting individuals & groups who would like to exhibit their work in the E Centre (photographs, arts, crafts etc) to contact Marie 0872802529 or any member of Millstreet Community Council before September 6th.
Sean and Matt of The Pub in Carriganima wish to thank Everyone who Supported and Helped in anyway with the St Patricks Day Parade held in Carriganima on Sunday, in Particular they would like to thank all the People who participated in the Parade with Floats, Vehicles Etc, to John Paul O`Shea Mayor of Cork County for being the Grand Marshal for the Day, the Cullen Pipe Band for Leading the Parade, An Garda Siochana for there help, to the huge turnout of people that came to watch thanks for supporting the event, and finally to anyone we may have forgotten to mention here who might have helped out in any way, we thank you very much, the Event was an outstanding Success which was also helped by superb Sunshine on the Day, we look forward to seeing ye all again for the 2017 Parade.
We were delighted to welcome the wonderfully enthusiastic Second Class pupils from Scoil Mhuire, Millstreet BNS at Millstreet Museum on Friday accompanied by Ms Norma Buckley and Mrs. Veronica Twomey. The Tour lasted one hour and we listened to the most interesting questions and heard some fascinating facts from the very attentive children. We thank Mary Cronin for the beautiful flowers and many thanks to Mary Kelleher for helping us to prepare for the visit. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
We were delighted to welcome twin brothers Jim (on left) and Michael Fenton from the USA to Millstreet Museum on Monday morning, 15th Sept. 2014. Also included is Mary Kelleher (Museum Staff) and Ann Hickey, first cousin of the twins. We recorded a brief interview for local television with Jim who is from the New York Fire Department and with Michael who is in the American Navy. They have been superbly uplifting with the royal welcome received and on meeting with their many relatives especially their wonderful Aunt, Mrs. Cronin from Coolinarne. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Sincere thanks for kindly supporting last weekend’s churchgate collection for Millstreet Museum & Millstreet Website. The amount collected was €1,434.88. This included a very kind €20.00 cheque from a Millstreet native residing in Tralee. This is our principal fundraiser for both the Museum and the Website. Our major cost is insurance cover which absorbs a significant portion of our overall funds. Heating, lighting and communication costs are also quite substantial. The reopening of the Museum Centre with its Tourism dimension has involved appreciable expense. Like many voluntary fundraising projects recent annual collections have differed from previous years. Our collection this year has fallen by over €400.00 from last year….by over €350.00 in fact at this point as a very kind contribution of €50.00 has just been presented. In order to sustain the local service it is hoped that some additional form of funding may become available throughout the coming year to allow us meet with ongoing expenses. We are blessed to have Mary Kelleher and Mary Cronin with us as Coordinators Supreme at the Museum Centre in Carnegie Hall, Millstreet. Long may these Government-funded Schemes continue as they are invaluable and of enormous importance to Voluntary Groups such as ours. Over the years the sincere support of everyone for our work at Millstreet Museum and for the Millstreet Website team is greatly appreciated. (S.R.)
Support for both the Museum/Tourist Information Centre and the Millstreet Website would be greatly appreciated this weekend. This is our main source of funding for these services. Those involved give of their time and talents on a voluntary basis. Sincere thanks. (S.R.)
Mary McSweeney, Killarney Road, Millstreet very kindly presenting a precious memento of the London 2012 Olympics which her daughter, Julie, promised us during a visit to Millstreet Museum in August 2013. We also include some of the Friends and Visitors who happened to call at the moment of presentation. Thanks a million, Julie, for such a treasured and historic gem which will be on display at Millstreet Museum. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
A really wonderful audio clip has come to light recently, of Tom Radley who owned and ran the Forge in the corner of the Square, Millstreet until the 1980s.
It contains his nephew Seán Radley interviewing Tom Jack back in the 1970s, and this short audio recording gives a taste of life in a forge. The Millstreet accent is strong and rich in this one.
Pictured right is a photo taken outside the Forge in the Square, Millstreet back in the 1970s, where blacksmith Tom Radley had just completed placing four shoes on Dan Hallissey’s donkey (Dan lived in Coole/Drishanebeg).
Radleys Engineering, who built the Spire in Dublin (with John & Tommy as Directors), have their roots in this forge.
Below are three further photos of Tom in his forge, taken in the 1980s.
Click on the photos to see them in full size and click at the very start of the black audio bar below to hear the recording while observing the pictures.
Many thanks to Kevin McDermott who sent us a photo of the front page of a historic Wallis Arms Hotel booklet from the 1960s (click the photo for full size)
The hotel boasts that it can arrange Car Hire – Messages and Telegrams – Newspapers and Packed Lunches.
The Wallis Arms remained much the same until about ten years ago when the Sheehan family took over the ownership of the hotel.
A copy of the booklet is already in the archives of Millstreet Museum.
We extend sincere thanks to Denis Healy for three much appreciated items for Millstreet Museum – a Carbide Lamp (used on bikes in bygone days), a spent cartridge bullet from the famous “Aud” Ship which was so significant in the 1916 period (This is a hugely historic item and it was given to Denis by a Cork gentleman whose name we shall later share) and a Primus which was in common use in homes at on picnics by the beach! Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Thanks to Bob Emprimo from America and a wonderful Friend of Millstreet Museum – Celtic and Clara Toy Dolls were happily reunited at Millstreet Museum on Wednesday. Here we view Denis O’Shea of the Millstreet Branch of Cork Co. Council with the Celtic Doll which he delivered from An Post and Mary Cronin of Millstreet Museum with the Clara Toy Doll. In our picture the Clara Toy Doll is a “sister” to the one which Bob originally presented. Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Bob presenting the original Clara Toy doll to us in 2011 (at “Nibbles” in West End)
And here we follow the moments in a series of images before we reveal what was contained in the neatly presented package which had arrived from Exeter, Devon, England having been purchased on eBay by Bob Emprimo having observed Michael Cashman’s alert on the Millstreet website that such a toy doll appeared on eBay. A million thanks to Bob for never forgetting Millstreet and for [read more …] “Thanks to Bob Emprimo – Millstreet Toy Dolls Are Reunited at Museum!”
We thank Seán Buckley of Ennis, Co. Clare and formerly of Kilcorney (son of Catherine and the late Seán Buckley who was synonymous with Kilcorney Feis) for this excellent poster and for offering to coordinate this fascinating Exhibition at Millstreet Museum to coincide with the upcoming prestigious Cork 20 Motor Rally in Millstreet. Click on the poster to enlarge. (S.R.)
Over the years Jerry Lehane (pictured) has very kindly shared lots of wonderfully interesting photographs, documents and historic items. On meeting Jerry (Cork Supporter Supreme) on Monday night, he shared two marvellous images from the past. Click on the pictures to enlarge. (S.R.)
The very popular Lehane brothers of Minor Row, Millstreet in the 1950s. From left: Jerry (now living in Ballydaly), Pat – in middle (now in USA) and Denis (now in Wales). This great picture certainly brings back very happy memories of the mighty Minor Row spirit and the marvellous families who lived there. All three brothers are superbly loyal visitors to our Millstreet website and are splendid Irish Ambassadors in their respective and adopted countries.Very special memories of the visit in the 1980s of Charles Haughey to Millstreet when he met members of the Twomey Family of Main Street outside their ever-popular Shop and Restaurant. Denis Twomey can be seen in the background. Many thanks to Jerry Lehane for sharing these exquisite images. (S.R.)
Mary Kelleher (centre) welcomes from London – Talent and also Julie (not Noreen as initially indicated – Sorry, Julie!) McSweeney formerly of Killarney Road, Millstreet – when they visited Millstreet Museum on Friday. Talent had already run to the top of Clara Mountain before visiting the Museum! Click on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
We extend sincere thanks to Maurice Buckley of Cork for this absolutely magnificent picture of the Andreae Sisters’ Shop in Main Street, Millstreet taken before 1894. Maurice also very kindly provided (below) excellent background information regarding the picture and also in regard to the history of the Andreae Family in Millstreet. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Maurice Buckley writes: “The man in the photograph is likely to be Agustus Andreae the owner of the shop and some of his daughters. Agustus inherited the shop from his mother (a widow) after she died 31/03/1858.
Agustus married Catherine Dennehy (a shop assistant from Millstreet in 1880) and they had 5 daughters, and a son:
Margarita Maria born 12/9/1883,
Brigida Maria 13/10/1885,
Sophia Maria 14/5/1888,
Maria 9/5/1890,
Ellena Maria 29/03/1892.
Gululmus (William) Joseph Andreae, but he died aged 6 months.
The girls were known, as far as I know, as Margaret, Bridget, Sophie, May,and Elsie. None of them married.
Agustus had 2 sisters Margaret and Sophie Andreae:
Sophie was my great grandmother who married Maurice Quinlan and lived in Kingwilliamstown (Ballydesmond). Maurice died on Feb 9th 1890 in Kingwilliamstown, son David present at death. [1901 census]. [1911] [1911 Sophie in Newcastle West]. Sophie died in September 23rd 1916 in Newmarket.
Margaret never married but looked after the 5 girls after their mother died in 1908. Agustus predeceased his wife Catherine on 28/03/1894.
The original Andreaes who came to Millstreet were 2 brothers – William and Augusta. Both were German Lutherans. They came around middle to late 1830s. William was married to Margaret Browne said to be from the Castleisland area they were married in London in 1835.
The other brother Augusta never married and served in the local church of St. Anna’s (in Pound Hill) as Church Warden 1860-1875.
Together they started a bakery etc. and it appears business grew from there. William died in 1844 aged 36 and is buried in St. Patrick’s Cemetery as he became Catholic after the birth of their first child.
Augusta died in 1884 and is buried in St. Anna’s Cemetery in Pound Hill, Millstreet.”
Epitath on headstone in St.Patrick’s Church Cemetery: “Erected in memory of Augustus Andreae who died 28th march 1894 aged 52 years. Also his beloved child William aged 6 months and to his young mother Margaret Andreae who died 31st May 1858 age 49 years”. The grave is at the very back corner behind the sacrastry (full details on
Some of the Andreae children were sent to study in Padraig Pearse’s school Scoil Éanna in Dublin (from ‘Ready Willing Waiting: Keale Millstreet Mushera, Rathduane Irish Volunteers 1916’, page 19)
Agustus Andreae died on March 28th 1894. Here is his probate:
Andreae Agustus
Effects £2,494 9s 4d
The Will of Agustus Andreae late of Millstreet County Cork Shopkeeper who died 28 March 1894 at same place was proved at Cork by James Dennehy of Millstreet N.S. Teacher and William Quinlan of Newmarket Shopkeeper both in said County two of the Executors.
Mary Andreae was probably the last of the family in Millstreet. She died in 1970 at Main St, Millstreet :
Andreae, Mary of Main St Millstreet Co. Cork died 2 September 1970 Probate London 24 April £1497 in England and Wales 740113401C – from The England National Probate 1974
Residents of a house 20 in Main Street (Drishane, Cork)
Show all information
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Andrea Margaret 27 Female Head of Family R Catholic
Andrea Margaret 73 Female Aunt R Catholic
Andrea Bridget 25 Female Sister R Catholic
Andrea Sophia 22 Female Sister R Catholic
Andrea May 20 Female Sister R Catholic
O’ Sullivan Mary 31 Female Clerk R Catholic
Brown Micheal 36 Male Clerk R Catholic
Murphy Denis 18 Male Clerk R Catholic
O’ Connor Albina 19 Female Servant R Catholic
Residents of a house 20 in Main Street (Drishane, Cork)
Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Andreae Kate 41 Female Head of Family Catholic
Andreae Margaret 17 Female Daughter Catholic
Andreae Sophia 12 Female Daughter Catholic
Andreae Mary 10 Female Daughter Catholic
Andreae Elsie 9 Female Daughter Catholic
Andreae Margaret 60 Female Sister in Law Catholic
OSullivan Eugene 22 Male Assistant Catholic
OSullivan Mary 20 Female Assistant Catholic
Cronin Patrick 17 Male Apprentice Catholic
Dineen Kate 55 Female Servant Catholic
OShea Kate 28 Female Servant Catholic
We were delighted to welcome the Buckley Family from Ennis to our Museum during this past week. Seán (originally from Kilcorney) is grandson of Liam Ó Buachalla who first established Kilcorney Feis in 1910. Seán will be kindly coordinating a wonderful Motor Sport Exbibition especially focusing on some fascinating model cars – all to coincide with the upcoming Cork 20 prestigious event in Millstreet in October 2013. The Family are pictured here with the very historic “Mobo” toy horse of the 1950s which was presented a number of years ago to the Museum by Maurice Walsh of Ickenham near London who came originally from Dooneen near Millstreet Railway Station. Our Museum Church Gate Collection takes place this evening and tomorrow in Millstreet.Click on images to enlarge. (S.R.)
At this weekend’s Church Gate Collection in Millstreet your kind support is greatly appreciated not only for our Museum, Tourist Information Centre but also for the Millstreet Website. While our Millstreet Website is coordinated by three people (Hannelie, Michael & Seán) plus further contributors – who are glad to do so on a voluntary basis – there are two annual expenses – one for the hosting of the site and one for our .ie domain name. This money comes from our Museum fund. Clearly the value of our website is evident as, for example, we had several hundreds of hits during this past week for our Millstreet Debs feature. We thank a Millstreet native, now residing in Co. Kerry who this week kindly posted a cheque of €20.00 to help defray our costs.Click image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Although not fully ready for the official opening of Millstreet Museum & Tourist Information Centre as further signage and wall units have as yet to be completed we shall be opening to the public from Wednesday. Our annual Church Gate Collection takes place this coming weekend – 10th and 11th August 2013 – in Millstreet. Restoration work has been very costly and this Annual Collection is our main source of funding. We very much appreciate the kind support of everyone. (S.R.)
Yesterday we featured Dan Hallissey in Minor Row in the 1970s – Here we are back in Minor Row again getting a panoramic view from the upstairs of my original home in The Square. This resurfacing of the road was taking place in the 1970s. Click on image to enlarge. (S.R.)
The late Dan Hallissey – such a truly friendly gentleman – sets off home with his wonderfully loyal donkey down Minor Row in the 1970s passing Lucey’s Garage. This is the first of many pictorial gems we’ve been arranging to display in our renovated Millstreet Museum which opens in a limited manner next week. It will be some weeks yet before the completion of the restoration. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Postcard of the Classroom in the School of Housecraft, at the Convent of the Holy Jesus, Drishane. The picture is from the first half of the twentieth century, but can anyone hazard a guess?
We also came across some other historical photos from Millstreet, some of which we had not seen before, on the Irish Historical Picture Company website. Seán Radley informed us that this shop used to be open in Dublin, and over the years he has purchased most of the photos for the Millstreet Museum collection.
Millstreet Museum & Tourist Information Centre will open on a temporary basis to coincide with Millstreet Gathering Festival. The Centre is presently being prepared for its official opening later in the Summer but we welcome visitors to view the work-in-progress this Thursday, Friday and Saturday (4th, 5th and 6th July 2013). Opening Hours on the three days are from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m.. (S.R.)
As we prepare to re-open Millstreet Museum at Carnegie Hall now that the key had been officially presented we shall feature images on a regular basis from our Museum Pictorial Archive. We begin with a wonderful image at The Square, Millstreet on the occasion of the Annual Corpus Christi Procession in 1964. We’re sure that this picture evokes many a special memory for our loyal website visitors. Please feel more than welcome to share such memories on our Comment facility or by email to millstreetmuseum @ (without using the spaces). Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)
Eamonn McSweeney (originally of Minor Row, Millstreet), Breeda O’Leary, Brendan Murphy and Mary Kelleher – some of the very kind supporters/organisers at Millstreet Museum’s Annual Church gate collection on Sat., 11th Aug. 2012. The wonderfully generous response to this year’s collection amounted to €1,587.73 which will assist in defraying the cost of insurance, heating and lighting as well as part-fund the cost of a new display unit in the restoration of the the new centre for which the official handing over of the key is imminent. Sincere thanks to All who contributed so very generously. (S.R.)