Scenes from th3 first programme of the year on LTV2 Millstreet next Thursday night at 10.00pm repeated on the following Sunday evening at 8.00pm, on this programme we will take a look at the New Years Day swim in the Blackwater River and also report on the official opening of the Airtriciity Wind Farm at Coomacheo near Millstreet. Editor for this weeks programme is Sean Murphy.
Category: LTV / LTV2
LTV2 Photos
Newly uploaded photos on the LTV2 Facebook page. Click on the photos for larger photos and a description of each.
LTV2 Prog 138: Oct 2009
LTV2 Programme 138 Competition with Seanie and Mary – Oct 2009
LTV2 Prog 143: Nov 2009
The first ten minutes of LTV2 Millstreet Program no 143 Nov 2009. Part of the video includes Seán Radley talking about the Ireland Involved Awards for which he was nominated.
LTV2 has also informed us that they now have their own channel on YouTube where they will be adding videos of their programs, and a Facebook page where they will be adding photos, where you can discuss topics etc.
LTV2 interviews at launch of Crystal Swing CD
Sean Radley of LTV2, Millstreet interviews a number of people at the launch of Crystal Swing’s CD, “The Best Years of our Lives” at the Midleton Park Hotel on 14/8/09. Follow the link below to see the videos:
Big Tom McBride at the Hazel Tree
Sam in Rathmore

LTV2 Millstreet, in the interest of objectivity, balance and neighbourliness travelled to Rathmore Railway Station on Monday, 21st September 2009 to record the warm welcome accorded to the Kerry team as they brought back the famous Sam Maguire Cup. Our pictures illustrate a wealth of colour as well as scenes of heartfelt happiness and energetic enthusiasm. There was a great media presence including Paschal Sheehy broadcasting live for RTÉ 1 television. Mike Sheehan, Sheila and I covered local television recording (which Seán Murphy had done so well on previous occasions). Great credit is due to Rathmore GAA and Irish Rail for organising the historic event so superbly and so very safely. The many decorations (especially the front garden of a residence in Rathduane) illustrating the Kingdom colours truly enhanced the festive atmosphere.
Well, hopefully in 2010 we shall be travelling to Mallow or Cork extending a similar sincere welcome to the Sam Maguire Cup! (Seán Radley for LTV2 Millstreet and for … loads of more photos below:
Sophie Finucane Trust Fund
LTV2 Millstreet
Sophie Finucane Trust Fund
To link with the special LTV2 interview on Thursday, 20th November 2008 with Sophie and her father, John by Mary Ankettell the following details are relevant:
Contribution to this most worthy Trust Fund may be lodged at:
Permanent TSB
Sort Code: 99 07 09
Current Account Number: 13 87 76 60
Contact Phone Numbers:
John Finucane (father of Sophie): 087 – 2677 403
LTV2 (Mary Ankettell): 085 – 1144 252
William Fitzgerald (LTV2): 087 – 2229 874
Background News on Google.
This wonderfully inspiring story is also scheduled to feature on TV3 and RTÉ1.
The Sponsored Cycle Run takes place from Newmarket on Monday, 29th December 2008. More details and studio pictures later.
(Seán Radley reporting for LTV2 Millstreet)
LTV2 in Galway 2007
New Clara aerials have arrived
Our local television channel continues to provide an increasing variety of features. Those yet to be broadcast include the production of a typical “Cork Evening Echo”, a special sequence from the recent 50th anniversary of the death of the renowned Seán Moylan. During that historic day in Kiskeam we got to meet and interview the Minster for Justice, Equality and Law Reform – Mr. Brian Linehan, T.D… as well as many members of the Moylan Family. We shall be recording a Christmas special within a family home for transmission over the festive season. We were delighted to join the celebrations for the All-Ireland winning Céilί Band …the Allow …. in Freemount. World Snooker Champion, Ken Doherty, was given a royal welcome to Rathmore Community Centre on Thursday, 15th November where this very approachable national sports hero also gave LTV2 an uplifting interview with Brendan Murphy on camera.
The Maid of Millstreet
The Maid of Millstreet
By Con “Poet” Ahern
As performed on a recent LTV2 show by Jerry O’Riordan, Ballinatona
It was on a fine Summer’s morning,
And I going to Drishane for some lime.
The birds in each grove sang most charming,
Sweet nature being all in its prime
When a nice looking bright looking fair one,
Per chance on my way I did meet,
Her beauty enticed me completely,
She’s that lovely nice Maid of Millstreet. [read more …] “The Maid of Millstreet”
LTV2 Programme 60
Swift uplifting reaction to LTV2 Millstreet going global! Historic milestones on a website are rare but we certainly have reached one of our most significant milestones on with the transmission of programme highlights from LTV2 Millstreet – our community based and non-commercial local television channel. All this development began several months ago when Hannelie O’Connor, John O’Riordan (Church Street) and Michael Cashman (Tullig) met at Millstreet Museum to discuss the possibility of LTV2 web transmission. I was privileged to be at that meeting and could not fail to be utterly impressed by the inspiring enthusiasm of all three people. And what a fruitful result has emerged! Presently we are linking with YouTube and sharing highlights of Programme 60 (first transmitted in November 2006). Provided that you have Broadband the transmission is fast and clear and is shared in ten-minute segments. Our intention is to provide John O’Riordan with a master disc of our weekly programmes at weekends. John will then arrange to place highlights of the programme of the previous week on our website for global viewing. The LTV2 team expresses sincere thanks to Hannelie, John & Michael for according us (all on a dedicated spontaneous basis) this truly amazing opportunity which will allow global viewing. We especially invite our web viewers to email us at <email> indicating where they are viewing the web transmission and also encourage them to comment and make constructive suggestions which may be incorporated in future programmes. Already a phone call from G. O’Meara (renowned photographer), Mallow who logged into the new LTV2 link on our website….clearly very impressed with the standard of studio and on-location camera work as well as with the studio presentation! LTV2’s Seán Murphy even feels that he will receive job offers when his “cooking skills” will be seen worldwide! Do watch out for a special Summer Transmission at the end of July when our focus will be on the FICC World Camping & Caravanning Rally being held in Millstreet 18th – 29th July 2007 (Seán Radley reporting for LTV2Millstreet)