Death Notice: Maria Healy, Curracahill

1989 Marie Healy of CurracahillThe death has occurred of Maria Healy (née O’Sullivan), late of Curracahill, Millstreet and formerly of Ballygrogan, Grenagh who passed away on July 30 at Cork University Hospital.
Lying in repose at Tarrants funeral home Millstreet. Rosary this Friday evening at 9pm. Removal takes place on Satuday at 8pm from Tarrents funeral home to St Patricks church Millstreet. Requiem mass takes place from Sunday at 11:30am. Followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. Enquiries to Tarrants on 029-70176

Cullen Vintage Event 2010

Joining renowned poet, Bernard O'Donoghue (Oxford) at the annual Cullen Vintage Day - from left, wife Heather and sister Eileen (Manchester). Bernard, a native of Cullen, will be presenting his musical choices at the next Millstreet Gramophone Circle on Friday, 20th August 2010 at 8.15p.m. in the Canon O'Donovan Centre, Millstreet.

A very successful Vintage and Threshing Event organised by Cullen & District Special Needs Association was held in Cullen on Sunday, 25th July to coincide with the Feast of St. Laitiaran.   One of the biggest attendances in recent years – and the number of participants also increased.  We recorded for our website and for LTV2.  We share just one of many pictures (more to follow in coming days) from this annual most enjoyable happening. (Seán)

Regional Report 1023 – 27th July 2010


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1023 from Millstreet.

Fondest greeting dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely balmy Tuesday morning.

This weekend we welcomed our new Parish Priest Fr. John FitzGerald, he will have the daunting tack of presiding over the entire parish, with its three churches and a sprawling congregation. And as we welcome him in we assure him of our full support and co-operation. And may God bless his work.

And on the subject of people I want to say well done to the places who have started to hold ,”getting–to-know-the-neighbours” gatherings . In these days of doom ‘n gloom and uncertainty there is nothing more encouraging than to know the name of all those around you and be on friendly a familiar terms with them, I hope the idea grow and flourish in many other places.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1023 – 27th July 2010”

Death Notice: Seámus Maxwell

The death has occurred on Wednesday, July 14, 2010 of Seámus MAXWELL of Bearna Lodge, Oldtown, Templemore, Tipperary. Requiem Mass took place at the Church of the Sacred Heart Templemore on Saturday 17th at, and he was interred in Killea Cemetery afterwards.

Seamus was formerly an assistant bank manager in the Bank of Ireland in the 80s, an active member of the community, including Millstreet Tidy Towns Association and the Horse Show Committee, and was President of Millstreet Golf Society in 1984.

Town Park Flower Power

The wonderfully impressive work of the local FÁS Employment Scheme completing one of a number of splendid flower-beds at Millstreet Town Park. From left: Denis Hickey (Supervisor), Derry O'Connor, Pat Lane and Shane Browne.

Following on Hannelie’s recent uplifting feature on Millstreet Town Park we are preparing a series of pictures illustrating the magnificent amenity it truly is and we also focus on the dedicated team who continually maintain and develop the superb gem we have in Millstreet Town.   Here we focus on the excellent work of FÁS who on this very Monday morning added a further flower-bed feature further enhancing this hugely popular location. (Seán)

More photos below: [read more …] “Town Park Flower Power”

New P.P. Arrives

Very Rev. Jack Fitzgerald, the newly appointed Parish Priest of Millstreet Parish celebrated his first Mass in the Parish Church, Millstreet at 10.00 a.m. today (Thursday).   Fr. Jack, a native of Boherbue,  had previously been the P.P. of Abbeydorney in North Kerry.

Welcoming Very Rev. Jack Fitzgerald, P.P. after Mass at St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet this morning (Thursday) – from left: Mary Murphy, Ballydaly; Con McSweeney, Tooreenbawn & Annmarie Murphy, Ballydaly.

Death Notice: Angie Buckley, Aubane

The death has occurred this morning (21st July 2010) of Angie Buckley (nee Dineen) of Aubane.  Reposing from 6pm to 8pm at Tarrant’s Funeral Home, Millstreet this Thursday evening, followed by removal at 8pm to St Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Funeral Mass tomorrow, Friday, at 12 noon. Burial afterwards in St Mary’s Cemetery, Millstreet. Family flowers only. Donations, in lieu, to St Mary’s Ward, Mercy University Hospital Foundation, Cork.

V. Rev. Jack Fitzgerald

Fr. Jack Fitzgerald

Today is the day the priests are officially reshuffling around the Kerry Diocese. We say goodbye to Cannon Declan O’Connor, Rev. David Gunn and the Rt. Rev. Mons. Michael Manning, and taking the Millstreet and Cullen parishes in their place will be the V. Rev. Jack Fitzgerald, a native of Boherbue, who has been stationed in Abbeydorney for the last number of years.

We wish him well in the Parish, especially as he is taking over the role of two priests before him, and that he receives a warm welcome in the parish.

Canon Declan Leaves for Listowel

Dan Duggan bids farewell to Canon Declan. Also included (from left) - Martin Cleary (Sacristan), Sharon Lane (Parish Secretary) and Fr. James McSweeney.

Canon Declan O’Connor who had spent seven years in Millstreet parish – firstly,  five years as Chaplain of Millstreet Community School in the 1980s – and the past two years as Parish Priest of Millstreet – takes up his new role as P.P. of Listowel on Wednesday, 21st July 2010. Canon Declan has been co-ordinating the hugely significant work relating to the restoration of St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet and has, with the Restoration Committee, achieved phenomenal success with the important project. We wish Canon Declan every happiness in the years ahead and wish to express our sincere thanks for all that has been accomplished.

Regional Report 1022 – 20th July 2010


Eily Buckley

Dia is Mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1022 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely summery Tuesday morning.

A million congratulations to our brilliant Traditional Irish musicians and dancers on doing so well at the Munster Fleadh which was held in Kenmare at the weekend. Both set-dancing teams qualified as did no less than three of the Linehan Family, Jamie, and her brothers Donal and James. They will all compete in the All Ireland Finals to be held in Cavan on August 20th –22nd.

Please look our Website for the exciting news of the return of our Summer Horse Show from August 10th to 15th. According to the Website ,entries are well up on former years ,entry fees are down and prize money is conciderably increased. This is such welcome news for our town and our people. So please get ready to give it your full support.

Hundreds of children from various parts of America have been entertained at the Green Glens over the past weeks and months , as part of the world wide, People to People project.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1022 – 20th July 2010”

Regional Report 1021 – 13th July 2010


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1021 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this nice rich,calm Tuesday morning.

The people of Cullen enjoyed great celebrations recently when Arch Bishop Raymond Leo Burke of St Louis, came to visit. His forebears came from the Cullen area and his cousins the Cremin, Burke, and McSweeney still live there and came to meet him. He was appointed Prefect  of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, by his Holiness the Pope, which is equal to Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Archbishop Burke could very well be in line for Pope at some future point. LTV2 cameraman Wm FitzGerald attended the celebrations and filmed it for your viewing when programs return in September and there’s a full report on our website.

Last week the West Coast of Clare resounded to the sound of music at the Willie Clancy week in Miltown Malbay, with many fans from the South making the journey for their annual feast of traditional entertainment. And to continue the trend I have a note from Jack Roche to say that the weekly sessions have resumed at Bruaic na Carraige,Rockchapel, on  Tuesday nights for July and August starting at  9pm.  Great  nights not to be missed, great place to take visitors and tourists.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1021 – 13th July 2010”

Death Notice: Margaret Casey, formerly of Brookpark

Margaret Casey (nee Twomey) Peacefully at home with her family by her side after a courageous battle with cancer on July 9, 2010. Beloved wife of 44 years, Dermot Casey; loving mother of Jeremiah (Jerry) Casey; daughter of the late Matthew & Nora Twomey; sister of Michael (Nora), Dan (Phil), Joan, Matthew (Betty), and the late Nora (Nellie) Dennehey; sister-in-law of Dan (Mary) Casey, all of Ireland, Ann (Steve) Bonney of Seattle, Washington, and the late Breda (Ted) Kinsler of England and Benjamin Casey of San Francisco. She also leaves behind many nieces, nephews, grand-nieces and grand-nephews in Ireland and the U.S.A. A native of Brookpark, Kilcorney, Co. Cork, Ireland. Age 72. A proud member of The Rebel Cork Ladies Association of San Francisco, the United Irish Cultural Center and the Y.L.I. A retired employee of Laguna Honda Hospital. [read more …] “Death Notice: Margaret Casey, formerly of Brookpark”

Regional Report 1020 – 6th July 2010

Regional Report 1020 by Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1020 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely Tuesday morning.

The Faith ‘n Light group led by Mrs. Nessa Lucey, Macroom paid their annual visit to Tubrid well on Saturday. Local volunteers saw to it that their every need is met when these special people came. Peter Roche  always takes the necessary seating to the well-side for the Mass. And their beautiful singing fills the afternoon air. Following the Mass the hundred or so special people along with their minders and parents, some from as far away as Tipperary, made their way to our Community Hall   for teas and other refreshments which were prepared by local ladies and FÁS workers. There was a time when this group went to Lourdes, but on discovering the wonders of  Tubrid Holy Well, they never went to Lourdes again. Mrs. Lucey wants to say a very sincere word of thanks to everybody who made them so welcome on Saturday.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1020 – 6th July 2010”

Death Notice, Charles Barry, Murphy’s Terrace

The death has occurred peacefully at his residence on Thursday, July 01, 2010 of Charles BARRY of Murphy’s Terrace, Millstreet. Lying in repose at Tarrant’s Funeral Home, Millstreet. Removal on Saturday evening at 8pm to St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Sunday, at 11.30am, followed by burial in St. Mary’s Cemetery, Millstreet.

Regional Report 1019 29th June 2010


Eily Buckley

Dia is Mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1019 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this beautiful rich, warm, Tuesday morning, after a night of soft rain.

There is never a dull moment. We had no less than two major celebrations here in Millstreet this week past week. It started on Wednesday morning at the presentation Convent School when teachers and pupils were among the large crowd to spring a surprise event on Sean Radley, to mark his retirement after over 30 years of dedication as a remedial teacher. The unsuspecting Sean was asked to unveil a plaque on the schoolyard wall. Little did he think that it was dedicated to his good self. It read as follows. This Garden  is dedicated to Sean Radley our esteemed Colleague and Friend who planted seeds of Friendship, Love, and Learning in this school. Mile Buiochas. June 2010.

And what a fitting tribute to a man who has given so much.  Further speeches and presentations made and the day grew into a Fun-day for all, In brilliant sunshine. Bounching Castles, face-painting, games and a barbeque.

Sean wasn’t allowed to touch a camera. Geraldine Dennehy filled in for him on this special occasion.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1019 29th June 2010”

Regional Report 1018 – 22nd June 2010


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report  1018 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this glorious Tuesday morning.

A very successful meeting was held at St Joseph’s Gardens on Thursday last. Organised by the social services, it was  attended by representatives of Respond , members of many of our local  voluntary organisations, as well as residents This first meeting of the group was chaired by Steve Kelly Community worker with the HSE. Many interesting topics were discussed but its main function was to promote more liaison between the residents and the Millstreet community at large. 19 of the 32 apartments are now occupied.

Next meeting will be held on September 2nd.

Annual Mass at St. John’s Well this Thursday June 24th at 8pm.

And on Sunday 27th they have a climb of Mushera mountain taking off at 2pm

Mass will be celebrated this Friday evening June 25th at 7pm in our Parish Church to mark  the Golden Jubilee of Fr. Paddy O Byrne.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1018 – 22nd June 2010”

Parish Newsletter June 20th 2010

Parish Newsletter – Ballydaly, Cullen, Millstreet

Twelveth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 20th June, 2010

Fr. Declan O’Connor P.P. Fr. David Gunn C.C. & Fr. Micheál Manning A.P.

Tel Nos. Millstreet  029-70043  /  Cullen  029-79028   / Mobile 087-7752948

Email:  <email>



10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.

Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:

RECENT DEATHS: Betty Twomey (nee Corcoran) Banteer & Dooneen

Mass Intentions this Week-end:

Saturday 19th June:

Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m.   Jimmy Coleman, Murphy’s Terrace

Cullen Vigil      8.00 p.m. Cornelius Duggan, Lisnaboy

[read more …] “Parish Newsletter June 20th 2010”

Regional Report 1017 – 15th June 2010

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 1017 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this lovely  sunny Tuesday morning.

There is an important notice here from our Garda Siocana to let you know that tomorrow Wednesday June 16th is National Firearms Licencing Awareness Day.

All gun holders are asked to renew their licences on that day. Garda Stations will be open from 10am to 6pm.

Millstreet Development Group have criss-crossed out town with banners telling all and sundry that from  to-day, June 14th to the 19th, every shop and business is giving big discounts, 39 in all, turning Millstreet into a real bargain–town for the next few days. Do come and sample these once-off bargains  and while you are here,  go to see our beauty spots,  Tubrid Well,  the Country Park,  The Green Glens Complex, the picturesque view from our Wind-farms, and lots more.  And have a meal or snack in any one of our varied food outlets.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1017 – 15th June 2010”

Death Notice: Betty Twomey (née Corcoran, Dooneen)

The death has occurred on Sunday, June 13, 2010 of Betty TWOMEY, (née Corcoran (Dooneen, Millstreet)) of Banteer, Cork. Reposing at McCarthy’s Funeral Home, Banteer this Tuesday evening from 6.30pm, followed by removal at 8pm to St Fursey’s Church, Banteer. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Wednesday, at 12 noon. Funeral afterwards to St Fursey’s Cemetery.

Regional report 1015 – 8th June 2010


Eily Bucley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and  welcome to news report 1015 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this soft, Tuesday morning following some night rain.

Holiday makers were fortunate to get two fine days out of three at the Bank Holiday weekend. Everybody headed for the out of doors, our lovely Country Park enjoying a bumper crowd. There was a marked increase in the number of our people choosing to holiday at home, resulting in huge crowds at all the touristy places. Let us hope the trend continues throughout the rest of the year

Please let me remind you of the Tidy Towns Clean-up, tonight starting  in town at 7.30  and they are appealing for your full co-operation.

Our Development committees meet at regularly, to make Millstreet a better place, The Tourism committee would welcome some more people with new ideas and new thinking to help them with their ambitious plans for the future. A new list of accommodation is being compiled and anybody who would like to get involved, please contact Veronica O Callaghan or any member.

[read more …] “Regional report 1015 – 8th June 2010”

Regional Report 1015 – 1st June 1010


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde, and welcome to news Report 1015 from Millstreet.

Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the best on this soft and sunny Tuesday morning June 1st.

Our busy week of events went off fine here in Millstreet. The Golden Jubilee celebration in honour of Mons. Manning on Friday night was a wonderful occasion. It began with 8 o’clock Mass in our church, with over twenty priests attending. Many members of his family came the celebrate with him. The parish choir were well prepared and the pipe band greeted the large crowd as they left the church to go to the GAA Hall where many presentations were made to our beloved pastor on the occasion of his golden Jubilee and retirement. Presentations were also made to his faithful staff Mary Ann Buckley who has worked at the Presbetry since 1988 and cared for Canon Browne, Canon O Donovan, as well as Mons.Manning. Margaret Kelleher was specially honoured for her great work a sacristan, following in the steps of her late grandmother and her mother, who herself was honoured by the pope himself for her dedication to Ballydaly church. Some lovely refreshments were then served and music was laid on by our Comaltas Group. Well done to all who arranged this great event.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1015 – 1st June 1010”

Death Notice: Connie McSweeney

The death has occurred on Tuesday, May 25, 2010 of Connie McSWEENEY of Gortavehy East, Rathmore and late of Cloughoulamore, Millstreet, Cork. Reposing at Tarrant’s Funeral Home, Millstreet. Removal today, Wednesday, at 8pm to Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Ballydaly. Requiem Mass tomorrow, Thursday, at 12 noon. Funeral afterwards to St Mary’s Cemetery. Family flowers only, please. Donations to Cancer Research c/o Cork University Hospital.

Death Notice: Ellen (Nell) Kelleher, Aubane

Late of Aubane, Millstreet. Who passed away peacefully, in her 94th year, at her son’s residence. Removal from her son’s residence this Wednesday evening at 8pm to St. Patrick’s church, Millstreet. Requiem mass on Thursday at 12 noon. Burial afterwards in Drishane Cemetery. Enquiries to Buckley Undertakers, Ballydesmond 064-7751141 or 087-2630765

Death Notice: Anne Casey Joy, Curraraigue

Late of Highland View, Dunloe Upper, Beaufort, Killarney and formerly of Curraraigue, Banteer. Reposing at O’Shea’s funeral home, Killarney, from 7 pm to 9 pm this Wednesday evening. Followed by removal to Beaufort Parish Church. Requiem mass on Thursday morning at 10.30am, with burial afterwards in Churchtown Cemetery. Enquiries to O’Shea’s Funeral Home, Killarney, Co Kerry 064-6637123.

RIP Anne Casey on Facebook

Regional Report 1014 – 25th May 2010


Eily Buckley

Fondest greetings dear listeners/readers  and I wish you all the very best on this lovely Tuesday morning.

The Duggan Family are pulling out all the stops to make their re-enactment of the renowned Drishane Garden Fete a day to remember on Sunday while at the same time raising great money for the Baby Jacob fund. See posters for details.

Our beautiful Country Park will be open of course every day .

A very full week just gone past here in Millstreet and an even fuller one coming up. The annual Mass at Tubrid Well was blessed with brilliant sunshine on Friday evening last. The crowds were well up on former years. No less than four priests concelebrated , the parish choir attended and amplification was provided as always by the treasured John Anthony O Sullivan.

[read more …] “Regional Report 1014 – 25th May 2010”