A New Year feast of music, comedy and magic is in store at Briery Gap’s exciting Christmas Pantomonium!! Featuring a chorus of over 70 local children as well as the traditional soloists and adult chorus, we are delighted to announce the return of Panto legends Nonie & Donie, a comedic duo without compare. This event is a real Community effort as a cast, chorus, crew and production team of over 100 local people are taking part! Brighten up your Women’s Christmas and New Year with a Circus full of laughter, song and cheer which is suitable for all ages!
Performance dates at Riverside Park Hotel are as follows:
- January 6th at 7:30pm
- January 7th at 2:30pm
- January 8th at 2:30pm
Tickets €12/8 are available online at brierygap.ie or by calling the Box Office on 026 41917!