Wanted immediately: four families of farm labourers

Wanted immediately, four families of
farm labourers; good wages; good
houses; good perquisites to suitable men;  also
a yardsman, indoor, and man to help in K.
garden; must have knowledge of growing vetet-
ables and flowers/ Apply to Jerome McCarthy,
Steward, Drishane Castle, Millstreet.

– from the Cork Examiner Monday March 13th ’16


2 thoughts on “Wanted immediately: four families of farm labourers”

  1. is this from 1916?? Sure is this advert not everything against equal rights?? suitable MEN yards MEN. MAN to help in k( presumably kitchen) garden.

    There should be no place for such an advert in our current world!

    hopefully this shows how far we have come!!

  2. thanks Patrick, but once you realised that this was from 1916 (there are more than a few hints), you probably should have stopped there.

    i posted it only as a tiny snapshot of life 100 years ago, and we intend posting many more interesting pieces for the rest of the year.

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