Hannah Curtin

‘Tis true of time it can be a great healer but time does become everybody’s foe
To when Hannah Curtin was just beyond her prime years one has to go back many years ago
She lived with her husband and her children in the Town of Millstreet towards the very end of Minor Row
Despite her years a big loss to her family and she will be missed by the many of her who did know

There is little doubt she led by good example in the roles she had chosen for herself in life
To her children she was a marvellous mother and to her husband a devoted wife
‘Tis sad to think a heart that beat with kindness no longer beats and is forever still
Her remains lay amongst the dead of Millstreet in quiet St Mary’s in view of Cashman’s Hill

A familiar face to many in the Town of Millstreet in the flesh there never more for to be seen
But as we do know memories last a lifetime and memories of her will remain as evergreen
The Millstreet of the twentieth century would be very different to the Millstreet of the twenty first century of today
Time ticking on and people getting older and few things stay as same as some do say

She raised her children in the Town of Millstreet and by the Town of Millstreet her last remains lay
A similar bell that rang for Hannah Curtin will surely ring for all of us one day
These simple lines a token gesture in her honor in a few years from the memory will be gone
But memories of her surely will outlive them for good memories of people like her do live on.

by Francis Duggan on Hannah Curtin

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