Walkability Study of Millstreet

The Millstreet Age Friendly group will be conducting a Walkability Study of Millstreet on Wednesday 30th Nov. Part of being ‘Age Friendly’ means promoting active ageing by making sure our towns are easy to get around and that it is easy to access the services and facilities they contain. During this walkability study we will be looking for things that support us to walk, or stop us from walking comfortably along the streets. We will be assessing

FOOTPATHS: availability, quality, ramped, width, obstacles in the way

CROSSINGS: convenience, safety

AESTETICS: signage, litter, bins, derelict buildings

PUBLIC SPACES: accessibility of services, availability of parking, green spaces, public toilets, benches, transport stops

SAFETY: car speeds, driver behaviour, cyclists, street lighting, general feeling of safety

This will be the first of 2/3 walkability studies as we will need to walk the same route at different times of the day. If anyone in the town has any feedback on any of the above areas that we will be assessing please get in touch by emailing <email> or phone 029 70926

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