Brilliant Colin Healy Features in Soccer Final Victory

Colin Healy pictured today following Cork’s magnificent victory in Limerick. Many thanks to Kathleen for the excellent image.

Sincere congratulations to Millstreet’s wonderfully talented Soccer Player, Colin Healy who today (Friday, 17th June 2022) was a superb member of the Cork U14 Schoolboys League Soccer Team in Limerick winning the highly prestigious Kennedy Cup in the Final with the score of Cork 2 to Waterford 0.    How very proud Colin’s parents, Joanna and Derry, must be as indeed his grandparents, Kathleen and Michael Healy of Mount Leader, Millstreet as well as extended Family and Friends.  Every success to the brilliant Colin in the future.  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Picture sourced from Echo Live.

Members of the Cork Team that won the Kennedy Cup 33 years ago. (Picture sourced from Irish Examiner website)

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