Following the recent presentation of the splendid 1916 Soldier’s Belt strongly believed to have been taken from Eamon de Valera following noble surrender at Boland’s Mills, Dublin in 1916 – Eileen Cronin of Scrahan, Knocknagree has recently very kindly sent by post a number of additional items for display in Millstreet Museum. These include a letter from New York sent in 1896 by a gentleman to his relatives in the Knocknagree area. (We shall share the contents of this letter in next Tuesday’s “Radio Treasures” on CMS.) Other items include a superb postcard collection of Cleethorpes in UK sent by Major John Robson in 1954 with an interesting “Post early” stamp at the back of the envelope. It was Major John who originally sent the historic Belt to Eileen in the 1960s. We sincerely thank Eileen for such great kindness to our Museum where we shall soon create a full display of the fascinating items. (S.R.)