We thank Presenter John Greene for advance information re this evening’s programme on C103. (S.R.)
Adhering to Covid-19 guidelines, Where the road takes me has had to make a few changes in its preparation over the next few weeks.
This week John Greene goes around the world to discover how various people are dealing with and coping with the virus.
In Hackney in the UK, we speak to Les McKeown, lead singer with the Bay City Rollers.
In Berlin in Germany, we get the views of Marcia Barrett, former lead singer with Boney M.
In New Orleans we speak to Professor John M. Barry from the Tullane University School of Public Health & Tropical medicine. His advice is constantly sought on how lessons can be learned from the flu of 1918 which killed more than fifty million people, most of whom were young.
And at home….
Officer in charge of the Cork West Garda Division, Chief Supt. Con Cadogan explains the supporting and expanding role of the Gardai in combating the Corona Virus.
Where the road takes me goes to air this Sunday evening at 7 on C103.