> Hi Millstreet … but of a long shot. I have traced my great great grandparents back to Bolomore Rathcoole… just wondering if any Forde people in the area ? – FB: Daisy Barrett Genuardi (14th Jan 2020) [comment] [facebook] <email> FB
> Thanks so much I will certainly give it a go ! I was in millstreet on 2011. We scattered my grandads ashes !
> My great gran was Ellen ( their daughter She married a Barrett)
> My dad talks about grandad’s brother Richie who went to america
Below are our notes on the family:
Richard and Hanoria Forde’s Family:
1880 July 20th: Marriage of Richard Forde and Nanno Murphy by Thomas Quilter (?) C.C. at Derinagree Church, he 24 years, a farmer from Kilcorney, son of Richard Forde a farmer, she 17 a farmer from Bolomore, daughter of Edmond Murphy a farmer
1881 October 13th: Birth of Margaret Forde at Bolimore, to Hanoria Forde (Murphy) and Richard Forde a farm labourer
1887 December 9th: Birth of Julia Forde of Bolimore Dromtariffe, to Hanoria Forde (Murphy) and Richard Forde Bolimore a farmer
1890 June 10th: Birth of Ellen Forde of Bolymore, daughter of Hanoria Forde (Murphy) and Richard Forde, a farmer.
1892 April 29th: Birth of Edmond Forde of Bolymore Dromtarriffe, to Hanoria Forde (Murphy) and Richard Forde, a farmer. Millstreet District.
1894 April 6th: Birth of Patrick Forde of Bolymore, to Hanoria Forde (Murphy) and Richard Forde a farmer
1896, July 10th Birth of Hanoria Forde Bolymore, to Hanoria Forde (Murphy) and Richard Forde a farmer
1901 census: Residents of a house 8 in Boolymore (Rathcool, Cork)
Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Forde | Richard | 40 | Male | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Hanora | 37 | Female | Wife | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Marget | 18 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Julia | 13 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Ellen | 10 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Edmond | 8 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Pat | 6 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Forde | Hanora | 4 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
1905 March 13th: Death of Richard Forde of Bolymore, married, 50 years old, farmer, Pneumonia 11 days. Ellie Forde daughter present at the death
1908 February 10th: Death of Hanoria Forde at Bolymore, widow, 42 years old, widow of Richard Forde a farmer, cancer of stomach 6 months. Ellen Barrett daughter present at the death.
1908 July 17th: Nora emigrates to Glens Falls, NY
On the SS Celtic departed from Queenstown (Cobh)
Nora Forde, aged 10, of Millstreet
sister Julia Forde, Crinaloo, Kilcorney, Banteer
Final Destination, Glens Falls, NY.
Paid by her sister
Going to her sister Maggie Moynihan, Glen Falls, Warren Co. NY.
1910 census – Julia has moved to Glens falls in 1909 and is working there as a servant
Name: Julia Ford
Age in 1910: 22
Birth Year: abt 1888
Birthplace: Ireland
Home in 1910: Glens Falls Ward 3, Warren, New York
Street: Coolidge Avenue
Race: White
Gender: Female
Immigration Year: 1909
Relation to Head of House: Servant
Marital status: Single
Father’s Birthplace: Ireland
Mother’s Birthplace: Ireland
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Servant
Industry: Private Family
Employer, Employee or Other: Wage Earner
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Out of Work: N
Number of weeks out of work: 0
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Charles L. Allen 43
Jennie A Allen 38
Adelbert C Allen 16
Julia Ford 22
1911 census: Residents of a house 15 in Boolymore (Rathcool, Cork)
Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Forde | Edward | 19 | Male | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Ellen | 21 | Female | Sister | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | John | 23 | Male | Brother in Law | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Richard | 2 | Male | Nephew | Roman Catholic |
1886 February 16th: Marriage of Daniel Barrett of Ivale and Ellen Lane of Cahirdoonee (Caherdowney) by Fr. J Foran, at Millstreet Church. He the son of Daniel Barrett and Johanna Quill, She the daughter of Peter Lane and Mary Allen. Witnessed by Michael Kelleher
1888 January 29th: Birth of John Barrett of Ivale Kilcorney, to Ellen Barrett (Lane) and Daniel Barrett of Ivale a farm labourer
Birth of Hannah Barrett of Ivale on August 11th 1889
Birth of Peter Barrett of Ivale on August 16th 1890, farm labourer
Birth of Daniel Barrett at Ivale on December 4th 1891
Birth of Mary Barrett of Ivale on January 4th 1893
Birth of Kate Barrett of Ivale on March 12th 1894
Birth of Margaret Barret of Ivale on April 25th 1895
Birth of Ellen Barrett of Ivale on May 20th 1896. Died on Feb 1st 1897 (9 months old), debility from birth
Birth of James Barrett of Ivale on May 20th 1897. Died on 24th June 1897 (5 weeks old) Bronchitis from birth.
Birth of RICHARD BARRETT of Rathcoole on 06 May 1899 [Baptism]
Birth of ELLEN BARRETT of Rathcoole on 12 June 1900. Died April 25th 1901 in Rathcoole (8 months old), tabes mesenterica 4 months.
Birth of MICHAEL BARRETT of Rathcoole on 20 September 1901 (farm labourer). Died 1904.
1901 census: Residents of a house 36 in Rathcoole (Rathcool, Cork)
Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Relation to head | Religion |
Barrett | Dan | 40 | Male | Head of Family | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Ellie | 35 | Female | Wife | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Hannah | 10 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Peter | 8 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Dan | 7 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Mary | 6 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Katie | 5 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Maggie | 4 | Female | Daughter | Roman Catholic |
Barrett | Richard | 2 | Male | Son | Roman Catholic |
But where was John for the 1901 census?
1902 December 21st: Death of Daniel Barrett of Rathcoole, 45 yrs, farm labourer, Psoasabsecss 3 yrs phithisis pneumonalis 6 months, Ellen Barrett widow of the deceased present at death Rathcoole
1904 April 28th: Death of Margaret Barrett at Bolomore, 9 yrs, child of Daniel Barrett a farm labourer, Pulmonary tubercolosis 4 months, Ellen Barrett mother present at the death Rathcoole
1904 July 5th: Death of Michael Barrett 2.75 yrs, child of Daniel Barrett deceased farm labourer, general tubercolosis 6 months, Ellen Barrett mother present at death
1911 census: Residents of a house 35 in Rathcool (Rathcool, Cork) (one of the few written in Irish)
Surname | Forename | Age | Sex | Religion | |
Baróid | Eibhlín | 48 | Female | labourer, widow 25 years married, 14 children 7 alive |
Catholic |
Baróid | Peadar | 19 | Male | Farm worker | – |
Baróid | Cáit | 15 | Female | – | – |
Baróid | Risteárd | 12 | Male | student | – |
TODO: where did all the Barretts go to from Rathcoole?
John Barrett and Ellen Forde
1907 September 12th: Birth of Daniel Forde at Bolymore, to Ellen Forde a domestic servant, no father listed, Nora Forde present at birth
1907 September 26th: Death of Daniel Forde 14 days old at Bolymore, child of Ellen Forde a domestic servant, debility from birth, Nora Forde grandmother present at death
1907 September 28th: Marriage of John Barrett and Ellen Forde at Dromtarriffe Church by Fr. P. White P.P., He 19 yrs, a servant from Bolomore, son of Daniel Barrett a labourer, she a servant from Bolomore, daughter of Richard Forde a little farmer, in the presence of Patrick Dinan and Julia Forde.
Birth of Richard Barrett of Bolymore on 24th September 1908, to Ellen Barrett (Forde) and John Barrett a farm labourer
Birth of Abina Barrett of Bolymore on February 7th 1912 to Ellen Barrett (Forde) and John Barrett a farm labourer
Birth of Daniel Barrett of Bolymore on April 18th 1913 to Ellen Barrett (Forde) and John Barrett a farm labourer
Birth of Peter Barrett of Bolymore on July 5th 1914 to Ellen Barrett (Forde) and John Barrett a farm labourer
Birth of Ellen Barrett of Bolymore on 24th April 1917, to Ellen Barrett (Forde) and John Barrett a farm labourer
… probably more children here
Birth of Patrick Barrett of Bolymore c.1925 He emigrated to England in c.1946.

John Barrett was known as Jack, was a small farmer and also worked in the county council.
I wonder if this was John Barrett’s mother (wife of Daniel)
Death of Ellen Barrett of Rathcoole on 26th April 1948, widow of Daniel Barrett a labourer, 79 years, cerebral Haemorrage 6 years Asthmia, Dan Barrett son present at death
The Barretts lived in this house in Bolomore which backs onto the railway line
1920 census of New York: Margaret is married to William Moynihan. Her sister Nora and brother Patrick live with them in Kingsbury, Washington, NY.
Name: Margaret Moynihan
Age: 40
Birth Year: abt 1880
Birthplace: Ireland
Home in 1920: Kingsbury, Washington, New York
Street: Road From Mead Road To Hudson Falls
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Marital status: Married
Spouse’s name: William Moynihan
Father’s Birthplace: Ireland
Mother’s Birthplace: Ireland
Native Tongue: Irish
Able to Speak English: Yes
Naturalization Status: Naturalized
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
William Moynihan 54
Margaret Moynihan 40
Nora Ford 22
Patrick Ford 24 (farm labourer)
Margaret Moynihan in the 1930 United States Federal Census. Nora is still there, Patrick no longer lives with them.
Name: Margaret Moynihan
Birth Year: abt 1881
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: Ireland
Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Wife
Homemaker?: Yes
Home in 1930: Kingsbury, Washington, New York, USA
Map of Home: View Map
Street address: Dean Road
Dwelling Number: 92
Family Number: 97
Age at first Marriage: 25
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father’s Birthplace: Ireland
Mother’s Birthplace: Ireland
Language Spoken: English
Immigration Year: 1900
Naturalization: Naturalized
Able to Speak English: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
William Moynihan 64 Dairy Farmer
Margaret Moynihan 49
Nora Ford 30
Homer Harrington 14 (a boarder)
Name: Margaret M. Moynihan
Death Date: 17 Feb 1932
Death Place: Kingsbury, New York, USA
William Moynahan in the 1940 United States Federal Census. Nora still lives there with her brother-in-law.
Name: William Moynahan
Age: 74
Estimated birth year: abt 1866
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: New York
Marital status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Kingsbury, Washington, New York
Map of Home in 1940: View Map
Street: Dean Road
Farm: Yes
Inferred Residence in 1935: Kingsbury, Washington, New York
Residence in 1935: Same House
Sheet Number: 5B
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 104
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 1000
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 6th grade
Weeks Worked in 1939: 0
Income: 0
Income Other Sources: Yes
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
William Moynahan 74
Nora Ford 42 sister-in-law
Patrick R Ford in the 1930 United States Federal Census
Name: Patrick R Ford
Birth Year: abt 1896
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Ireland
Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1930: Kingsbury, Washington, New York, USA
Map of Home: View Map
Street address: Dean Road
Dwelling Number: 89
Family Number: 94
Home Owned or Rented: Rented
Home Value: 10
Radio Set: No
Lives on Farm: No
Age at first Marriage: 32 (Married about 1928)
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father’s Birthplace: Ireland
Mother’s Birthplace: Ireland
Language Spoken: English
Immigration Year: 1910
Naturalization: Naturalized
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Laborer
Industry: farm
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker
Employment: Yes
Household Members:
Name Age
Patrick R Ford 34 (Patrick Richard Ford … would be normal naming convention)
Helen N Ford 25
Name: Patrick Ford
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 29 Oct 1928
Marriage Place: Glens Falls, New York, USA
Spouse: Helen Collins
This May be Patrick Ford in the 1940 United States Federal Census:
Name: Patrick Ford
Respondent: Yes
Age: 43
Estimated birth year: abt 1897
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: Irish Free State
Marital status: Married
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Glens Falls, Warren, New York
Map of Home in 1940: View Map
Street: Sagamore Street
House Number: 36
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Glens Falls, Warren, New York
Residence in 1935: Same House
Citizenship: Naturalized
Sheet Number: 5B
Number of Household in Order of Visitation: 108
Father’s Birthplace: Irish Free State
Mother’s Birthplace: Irish Free State
Occupation: Truck Driver
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 4000
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 7th grade
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 42
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
Weeks Worked in 1939: 52
Income: 1248
Income Other Sources: No
Native Language: English
Social Security Number: Yes
Usual Occupation: Truck Driver
Usual Industry: Wholesale Meat Packing
Usual Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in private work
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Patrick Ford 43
Helen Ford 35
Glens Falls Directory 1933
Patrick R (Helen C) Ford, driver Armour Co, h36 Sagamore St, Glens Falls, NY
Glens Falls Directory 1955
Patrick R (Helen C) employee Board of Education, h42 Sagamore St, Glens Falls, NY 12801, USA
Patrick R Ford
BIRTH 1895
DEATH 1978 (aged 82–83)
Saint Marys Cemetery
South Glens Falls, Saratoga County, New York, USA
PLOT Section S
Helen C Ford
BIRTH 1904
DEATH 1979 (aged 74–75)
Saint Marys Cemetery
South Glens Falls, Saratoga County, New York, USA
PLOT Section S
Julia F Ford Hayes
BIRTH 1887
DEATH 1961 (aged 73–74)
Saint Marys Cemetery
South Glens Falls, Saratoga County, New York, USA Show Map
PLOT Section D (see pic)
Her husband:
Michael J Hayes
BIRTH 1883
DEATH 1961 (aged 77–78)
Saint Marys Cemetery
South Glens Falls, Saratoga County, New York, USA Show Map
PLOT Section D
Julia Ford 1889–1961 (ancestry profile)
DEATH 22 SEP 1961 • New York, USA
Birth abt 1889 • Ireland
Arrival in America: 1909
Marriage 28 Oct 1915 • West Rutland, Rutland, Vermont, USA
Michael Joseph Hayes
Birth of Daughter Margaret M Hayes(1917–)
Birth of Daughter Kathryn Elizabeth Hayes(1919–1989)
3 Jun 1919 • Glens Falls, Warren, New York, USA
1920 • Queensbury, Warren, New York, USA
Relation to Head: Wife; Residence Marital Status: Married
1 June 1925 • Caldwell, Warren, New York, United States
Relation to Head: Wife
1930 • Bolton, Warren, New York, USA
Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife
1935 • Bolton, Warren, New York
1 Source
1940 • Bolton, Warren, New York, USA
Marital Status: Married; Relation to Head: Wife
Death 22 Sep 1961 • New York, USA
Name: | Kathryn Elizabeth Hayes [Kathryn Elizabeth Bianchini] [Kathryn Bianchini] |
Gender: | Female |
Race: | White |
Birth Date: | 3 Jun 1919 |
Birth Place: | Glens Falls, New York |
Death Date: | 20 Feb 1989 |
Father: | Michael J Hayes |
Mother: | Julia A Ford |
SSN: | 085165371 |
Notes: | Apr 1940: Name listed as KATHRYN ELIZABETH HAYES; Nov 1948: Name listed as KATHRYN ELIZABETH BIANCHINI; 03 Jun 1993: Name listed as KATHRYN BIANCHINI |
Kathryn Bianchini | |
Birth Date: | 3 Jun 1919 |
Address: | 59 Miracle Ln |
Residence Place: | Albany, New York, USA |
Zip Code: | 12211-2127 |
Albany City Directory (1957)
Bianchini Albert J (Kath) emp GE (Schtdy) h 708 State St (Maps)
— Clara M r 708 State St
— Jos J (Filomina) trackmn NYC h 708 State
— Kathryn E emp NMPC r 708 State
Note: Clara is the name of the mountain in Millstreet!
08/19/193. 1 53 Fairfield Ave, Albany, NY, 12205-3430
Obituary for Giuseppe “Joseph” Ferracane (husband of Clara Bianchini above)
Albany-Giuseppe “Joe” Ferracane of Albany passed away peacefully at Albany Medical Center Hospital on Saturday, March 31, 2018.
Born in Muro Lucano, Potenza, Italy on February 8, 1931, Joe emigrated first to Montreal and then to Albany, NY in 1959, where he met his loving wife of fifty-eight years, Clara Bianchini.
While in the States, Joe started his own construction company where he specialized in slate roof repairs. He never stopped working and lived modestly so he could provide the best life for his family.
Joe’s greatest joy and happiness in life were his daughter, Marilynn, son-in-law, Scott, granddaughter, Alicia, and grandsons, Matthew and Justin, who loved him more than anything.
Joe took great pride in his garden, growing his own tomatoes and herbs, among many other vegetables, to make the best sauce for our weekly Sunday dinners. Joe enjoyed making his own wine, playing bocce and cards and traveling around the world with his brother, Gerardo.
Joe was a founding member of the Italian American Community Center and was a member for many years with the West Albany Italian Benevolent Society.
Joe was predeceased by his father, Donato Ferracane, and mother, Maria Sansone, as well as his sister, Filomena, and brothers, Antonio, Vito, Pasquale and Salvatore.
He is survived by his wife, Clara Bianchini Ferracane; daughter, Marilynn Dodge (Scott); grandchildren, Alicia, Matthew and Justin Dodge; he was the brother of Brigit Bianchini, Gerardo Ferracane (Kathy) and is also survived by many beloved nieces, nephews, cousins and close friends. Joe will be greatly missed.
Relatives and friends are invited to visit with Joe’s family Wednesday, April 4, 2018 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm in McVeigh Funeral Home, 208 North Allen Street, Albany, NY.
Funeral Services Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 8:15 AM in McVeigh Funeral Home, Albany thence to Blessed Sacrament Church, Albany, NY at 9:00 am where his Funeral Mass will be celebrated.
The Rite of Committal will be held in Our Lady of Angels Cemetery, immediately following the Funeral Mass.
Marilyn M Dodge, 58 (06/17/1961 )
Lived In Glenmont NY
Related To William Dodge, Catherine Dodge, Matthew Dodge, Alicia Dodge
Alicia Dodge (FB): (has a photo of Joe Ferracane and Clara Bianchini (grandparents) on top of FB profile)
Edmond Forde (1892-)
was still at the home place in 1911 census (see above)
Is this him in massachussetts in 1920 census? emigrated in 1915
Married to Emma, daughter Virginia.
haven’t found him yet
Anyone related? ELLEN Forde was My great gran. Love to hear from any relatives:)