Playground Funding: Please Donate & Thank You

At a recent meeting Millstreet Town Park Committee formally resolved to express their sincere gratitude and thank the following for their donations towards the proposed new Playground

  • Mr Patrick W O’Leary of Louisville, Kentucky, USA for  a personal donation of €500. Patrick’s great grandfather hailed from Millstreet. Patrick is very proud of his Irish heritage and is a huge supporter of all things Millstreet since he first visited our Town in 2013 and returning 5 times, most recently in September. Patrick has kindly opted to have his donation published in the hope that it will encourage other “Sráiders” at home and abroad to make a donation to the Playground project.
  • Millstreet Pitch n Putt Club  for a contribution of €500  in addition to their annual club subscription.
  • Irina Popova and Justyna Marynowska of Infinite Arts Centre  who have already raised €240 from their Saturday morning  Yoga workshops.  The final fundraising workshop takes place  Saturday 19th October 9-11am in the Parish Centre.   Places are still available so don’t be shy to be a Yogi!
  • Millstreet Community Council, Millstreet GAA Club, Millstreet Juvenile GAA Club and Millstreet Camogie Club who have rallied together and kindly forfeited the most recent instalment due from the Local Lotto  sales in support of the Playground Project resulting in an additional €12,000 being donated.

We are still a long way short from the money needed so we are again calling on all Sráiders to dig deep and make whatever contribution you can … every little helps.

We will continue to keep you posted on upcoming fundraising initiatives and progress on grant applications.

TO DONATE:   If you wish to make a financial contribution towards the funding for a new playground for our Town Park you may

(1) lodge online to Millstreet Town Park bank account at IBAN: IE61 BOFI 9058 0332 1050 69, BIC:BOFIIE2

(2) lodge cash or cheque in person  at Millstreet Credit Union – reference Millstreet Town Park account.

(3) send a cheque payable to “Millstreet Town Park ” care of  FÁS Offices, Millstreet Community Gym,  Millstreet.

If you wish to confirm your contribution  or hold your own fundraiser we would be delighted to hear from you at <>

See more details on the new Playground in the article Plans for the new Children’s Playground:

Plans for the new Childrens Playground

1 thought on “Playground Funding: Please Donate & Thank You”

  1. Thank you for the recognition. My Irish roots started in Millstreet so when I get mentioned on their Facebook page it makes me feel like part of the community. I would encourage my fellow Americans that have a connection to this lovely Irish town to donate to the playground fund.

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