Banteer, Lyre & Kilcorney Parish Mission

A parish mission will take place in the parish of Banteer between 29 of September and the 1st of October. This will be facilitated by Fr. Josephs Deane and Fr. Charles Roche from the order of the Franciscan Friary of the Renewal, Moyross, Limerick. A strong theme of the mission will be the person of Jesus Christ and Eucharistic Adoration.

Friday 29th of September 8pm: Talk, Adoration and a Healing Service (Banteer Church)

Saturday 30th of September: 10am Mass in Banteer Church followed by Adoration, Talk & reconciliation Service (10.30am to 6pm). (Divine Mercy & Rosary will be recited during this time)

8pm Vigil Mass in Banteer, Lyre & Kilcorney Churches preceded by confessions from 7pm – 8pm. Saturday evening in Lyre & Kilcorney Churches a missionary priest will be in attendance.

Sunday 1st of October: 9.30am Mass in Lyre Church, 10.30am Mass in Kilcorney Church and 11.30am Mass in Banter Church. Closing of the mission at 3pm with Talk, Eucharist Healing Service and Eucharist Procession in Banteer Church.

This is an opportunity to take a step back from our busy lives and to reflect on what life has to offer us.

1 thought on “Banteer, Lyre & Kilcorney Parish Mission”

  1. Art Classes
    Starting Monday the 17th for 4 weeks from 10:30-12:30
    Starting Thursday the 20th for 4 weeks from 2:30-4:30
    Trade Union hall, Kanturk
    Beginners to Advanced

    Mary O Connor – 0864058295

    Can this notice be put in the newsletter this week and next week please.

    Thank you

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